GermanyBadi1 year ago

Hey guys, I found a new glitch. You are probably aware of the movement exploit, we've been using it for a while, and a few days ago I discovered that if you spam that exploit on an enemy when you have normal non-hero melee units selected, they will attack from where they stand. Don't know yet if that will be helpful but I thought I'd share. Here's 2 videos of me showcasing it. I call it "skystrike".

GermanyBadi3 years ago

In Farlorn's Hope and Breathing Forest there's a huge bug with enemy spawning (can be seen here: https://imgur.com/a/49Y63ZL) and i'm pretty sure this can be skipped in Breathing Forest, but in Farlorn's Hope these guys just swarm and destroy you after a few minutes. There is a fix on steam, would it be okay for you guys to link that in the Resources section?

23Banzaj 이것을 좋아함
GermanyBadi3 years ago

Hey guys, as you might be aware, there's a game breaking bug in v1.61 that kind of destroys the resolution after certain cutscenes (Wildland Pass when entering Brannigans camp and the cutscene where Rohen dies come to mind), which apparently isn't a thing in the 1.54 classic version, according to several threads I saw online. I myself don't wanna downgrade to 1.54 because I think it has no fullscreen/good resolution. For maps like Wildland Pass I guess we just have to keep recording and letting the timer run while restarting? What's your opinion on this?

23Banzaj 그리고 andresfgp13 이것을 좋아함
GermanyBadi6 years ago

Hey, I don't know if this is the place to ask, but I've picked up D2LoD a few days ago and been running a few Any% RTA runs with the Sorceress, but I never could finish a run, because I got stuck on the Chaos sanctuary; I seem to lack damage AND survivability despite having Ral runes, decent resists, good FCR... I just can't seem to get it right, I try to group up some enemies, Frost Nova them, Static Field a bit and then Nova them to death. It just... doesn't work for me? I just die over and over again and run out of potions and money.

Is there any general advice, that I could follow and try to git gud?

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