284659927 years ago

This is an alt account I just made since I don't currently want to name the game or the moderators. I mainly want opinions, maybe other people think I am in the wrong but obviously I don't think I am myself.

I opened a thread on the game's forum requesting a rule change. There was an issue in that many of the rules didn't precisely follow the rules. They could still be timed equally to each other but clearly that was a problem. There were a couple of other rule change requests that clarified what is and is not allowed.

After 6 days of waiting for a response I bumped the thread. I think some people would consider that a short time but the mods were still accepting runs and making occasional posts on the forums so I knew they were active.

After 3 more days I bumped the thread again. This time it was locked, I then made another thread asking why the thread was locked... which soon got locked.

Then I messaged one of the series moderators with roughly what I've written here. He didn't take my issue seriously so I still had no proper response to my rule change request.

I can imagine people will tell me I bumped the thread too much but I don't think a response was ever coming. Also it may be the case that I should take the thread lockings as indication that the mods do not approve my rule change suggestion, but I would want a good reason for not implementing changes which stop the runs breaking the rules.

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7 years ago