Is a 100% main game even possible?
2 years ago

I saw a 100% main game run by AliatusAquilan long ago, but eventually it was taken down for an unknown reason. Maybe he missed something in the game. So I was asking myself afterwards if a 100% run is even possible, because there was no own categorie for this?

I would actually consider to do a 100% main game run, since I've recently completed the game for the 2nd time on 100%. So I feel kinda familiar with the quest and random event routes and might do a speedrun as I said.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago

It's possible sure. IIRC the AA run I saw missed a few things.

however getting a category on the leaderboards for it might be difficult since you would be 1 of 2 people doing it?


it has been done but the runner is no longer in the community and has deleted all record of it

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