New IL Racing Board + All Races category !!=IL (Racing) Rules Here=!!
2 years ago
North Carolina, USA

There have been enough people asking for this for it to get added so here it is.

IL Racing Rules: -Any vehicle is fine -Use IGT, be sure your time is visible

  • Because we will use IGT you can technically tie/share a position

Q: Why any vehicle? What about original edition? A: The game goes on sale for very cheap (at time of posting I believe DE is about 2$). Most people are running or are able to run DE. I dislike fragmenting boards and adding checkboxes that obfuscate the merit of one run against another, so unless there is significant demand these will be the rules going forward.

Q: Why does all races include what were DLC races? A: See above; tldr - everyone is running DE

If you disagree with these rules and wish them changed please reply with your reasoning (but you better be submitting runs...)

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
siyfics. 이것을 좋아함
게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Races: No Major Skips Rule Modifications Discussion

The new proposed rule would be to reject/modify runs for races that don't have skips and are submitted in the no major skips category.

My motivations for this are a variety of reasons you can view in Discord or in the thread, overall I believe it will improve the quality of the leaderboard.


1 year ago
최근 쓰레드