Any% NMG text guide
Any% NMG text guide
업데이트됨 4 years ago 작성자 davidtki

Starting stats:

35 stealth if you're playing as thief Remaining points in either climbing (preferred) or throwing


Buy 2 flasks and a dagger from Casper Go to the healer's hut and pick up 70-80 rocks Get the spitting seed with either climbing or throwing Go to Erana's Peace and get flowers Go to the Kobold cave. Steal the key if you have 35 stealth, kill the kobold with rocks if not. Free the bear. Go to the archery range and overhear the conversation. Throw a dagger at Brutus to kill him. Pass time until night. Visit the meeps and get green fur. Visit the fairies and get the dust. Sleep at the dryad tree. Turn in the seed and get the acorn. Return to the archery range and get the key off Brutus's body Get flying water. Get the dispel potion. Go to the antwerp cave and use the key to unlock it. Get through the brigand fortress. Use the dispel potion on Elsa. Leave the room without the mirror.

Notes on running any% no major skips:

  • Training climbing

If you started with climbing below 40 and intend to use it to get the seed, you may need to train it a little bit. After visiting Caspar leave town by going to the alley and climbing the wall. This may train climbing a little bit. If your hero succeeded too quickly, you can try climbing the tree outside the healer's hut until you're reliably scaling it. Stop at this point.

  • The spitting seed

Climbing is the fastest method when RNG favors you. Throwing is a little slower but more reliable. Fetch is both the slowest and least likely to work and you really want to avoid using it.

• Dealing with the bear/kobold

The most reliable method for dealing with the bear and the kobold is to use 35 stealth to steal the key unnoticed.

If you're not playing as the thief, you'll have to resort to killing either the bear or the kobold. Either works. The top runners currently prefer to throw rocks - you'll need 70-80 for the kobold or 140 for the bear. When throwing rocks at the kobold, throw the first one to let it teleport closer to you, then hold enter to throw rocks and stunlock the kobold to death.

Flame dart will also work, but you'll need to make use of the insert-storage glitch. First select flame dart from the spell book, then press insert to switch to the walk icon. Then when on the walk icon, press insert again to switch back to the targeting cursor. You can press insert to do so again without consuming mana. When using flame dart in this way, the bear and the kobold are roughly even in killing speed with the bear being easier to execute.

  • Archery range

The conversation only happens at midday. Use a dagger to kill Brutus immediately. When you leave the screen you should only ever return from the bottom, otherwise Brutus will notice and kill you (even if you killed him). Bruno takes about 40 seconds to leave the screen south of the archery range.

If you missed the conversation on day one, it's recoverable on day 2. Rest 60 minutes, work at the stables, rest 60 minutes again should put you at midday.

• Random encounter in the forest

Sometimes a random encounter will pop up in the forest and block you from travelling in your intended direction. You can escape from combat and the monster should delay just long enough to let you past.

Be careful to make sure you never run into a random encounter with 0 stamina.

  • Passing time until night

You can always rest if stamina is below half. An easy way to pass time is to rest 60 minutes, work at the stable, rest 60 minutes again. Thieves have the option of training lockpicking on the healer's door to quickly drain their stamina.

• Sneaking past Toro

Make a safety save while in Fred's cave. When entering the room with Toro, click climb on the fortress wall 3 times quickly. When Toro catches you while you're in the middle of climbing, the hero will suddenly run all over the place. If he did this, you've successfully pulled off a glitch where Toro catching you somehow screen transitions you past the gate.

If you have trouble with the glitch, the calm and open spells can get you past Toro.

• The cafeteria

Timing is important for this room.

  1. You can move the chair to block the door once the brigands begin walking away from the bottom door.
  2. Wait for Die Drei Knochelkopfen to be roughly halfway down the table before knocking over the candle.
  3. Wait for them to round the corner before climbing up.
  4. Wait for the chandelier to fall before opening the back door.

• Elsa's room

Be careful with the dispel potion. It's easy to misclick and pour it out instead of using it. Don't get the mirror.

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