New category: Original Campaigns
New category: Original Campaigns
게시 일자 8 months ago 작성자

Hello everyone,

Original Campaigns has finally been added as a miscellaneous category on the main L4D2 board, and a corresponding entry was created on category extensions. Based off of community feedback, the solo infinite votes subcategory was added to category extensions - in order to run this you'll need a custom build of SST which can be downloaded here. With this build of SST, you can change sv_vote_creation_timer without enabling cheats - the only legal value for this category is 0. It goes without saying that we can easily tell if you attempt to use this elsewhere.

Additionally, if the standard Original Campaigns category on the main board turns out to be completely dead with no interest in a couple of months, then we will transfer any existing runs to category extensions, so there should be no concern of being stuck with a dead/unwanted category on the main board, even if it's hidden behind the misc dropdown.


게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Minor rule changes/clarifications

Hey everyone, some minor changes to the rules - solely to clarify things/change wording, no rules actually "changed" (at least not in any way that will be relevant to 99.9% of people):

  • The linked guide for demo recording is now in a new location on the internet ( 👀 ) and was reworked to hope
4 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 5 years ago
1 개의 답글
게시 일자 5 years ago
0 개의 답글
게시 일자 1 year ago
1 개의 답글
게시 일자 1 year ago
2 개의 답글