Submissions for Any% Do NOT require all-in-one sitting play!
3 years ago
Louisiana, USA

Hi all,

  • After you have submitted runs for ALL missions in a campaign, (and after all such runs have been verified!), then you may submit the sum total of these times in this section ( ) for the particular campaign you have completed.

  • No video will be necessary, as this run submission will be the sum of your best times for each mission in this campaign that have already been verified.

  • For those who are wondering if we expect you to prove that you played ALL missions for this campaign in ONE sitting, the answer is NO.

  • We know it is not realistic for you (and un-trackable from our end to see if you actually did) play ALL missions of a campaign in one sitting!

  • So we apologize for those who actually are willing (or have actually already gone through the trouble of) playing an entire campaign in one sitting, but it's overkill for this game in particular.

*For all those who have already completed a campaign and all of your runs have already been verified, please submit a run. (Follow the instructions under "Rules".) Thanks for your time and dedication!



편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago