Guitar Hero II Song Length Guides
2 years ago

Hello everyone, I am IvanderLatidjan and I am about to speedrun Guitar Hero 2 or II and I figure out that if you play on Easy/Medium category especially on Easy Mode, you get a chance to only play 3 songs on some stages instead of 4 therefore I wanted to point out which songs are much faster to complete so you will be able to choose it. (I would put this in the Guides section but I can't because I am not a moderator.)

In Easy Mode, you only need to finish 3 of the 4 songs provided in each stage except stage 7. Therefore, I didn't put the song length for number 7th because you have to play all songs. After you finished stage 7, you win the game therefore there is no Stage 8 on Easy Mode.

  1. Opening Licks
  • Shout at the Devil 3:27
  • Mother 3:31
  • Surrender 4:20
  • Woman 2:46

You would want to skip Surrender song when running Easy Mode.

  1. Amp Warmers
  • Strutter 3:17
  • Heart-Shaped Box 5:04
  • Message in a Bottle 5:04
  • You Really Got Me 2:38

You would want to pick either Heart-Shaped Box or Message in a Bottle since their song length is the same.

  1. String-Snappers
  • Monkey wrench 3:54
  • Them bones 2:42
  • Search and Destroy 3:40
  • Tattooed Love Boys 3:01

You would want to skip Monkey Wrench since it is the longest in Stage 3 on Easy Mode.

  1. Thrash and Burn
  • Cherry Pie 3:17
  • Who was in my room last night 3:17
  • Girlfriend 3:46
  • Can't you hear me knocking 4:27

You would want to skip "Can't You hear me Knocking" since it is the longest one.

  1. Return of the Shred
  • Killing in the Name 5:16
  • John the Fisherman 3:37
  • Freya 4:53
  • Bad Reputation 3:14

You would want to skip "Killing in the Name" since it is the longest one.

  1. Relentless Riffs
  • Crazy on You 4:51
  • Trippin on a Hole in a Paper Heart 3:20
  • Rock This Town 3:25
  • Jessica 5:58

You would want to skip Jessica since it is the longest one.

  1. Furious Fretwork
  • Madhouse 4:06
  • Carry Me Home 3:14
  • Laid to rest 3:51
  • Psychobilly Freakout 2:42

In Easy mode, you have to play all 4 songs to win.

8 ) Face-Melters

This is the lists of all songs in Guitar Hero 2:

For more information on all Guitar Hero Song Length, visit here:

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
brandonltxxp 이것을 좋아함

Sorry guys, I didn't put the Encore songs length because it is not needed in Easy mode category. But if you want me to update, just tell me and I will update the lists above.

Note: You can treat this forum post as Guitar Hero II Any% Easy Difficulty Guide.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
brandonltxxp 이것을 좋아함
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