Emulator Runs moved to misc.
4 years ago
Delaware, USA

Emulator runs have been moved to corresponding misc. categories due to a skip that was found that saves about 4 minutes, and is only available on the PS2 version of the game. LonerHero has tested the viability of this skip extensively across all characters and has come very close to his PC WR for Dante really quickly, despite longer loads on the emulator. Below is the reference for the skip:

Unfortunately, PS2 can only beat other versions with this glitch on an emulator. I would be totally fine with leaving PS2 emulator runs up if PS2 hardware could also beat the current PC WR and overtake emu runs, but that isn't the case. As a result, I've moved emulator runs to a misc category.

편집한 사람 작성자 4 years ago
LonerHero 이것을 좋아함

Back then we had to allow this since PS2/PS3/X360 is not very accessible on people who do not own original Hardware. However, right now we do (PC HDC).

Much like Cosmic clarified. Emulator is generally not allowed, as PCSX2 still, to this day, don't completely emulate the PS2 perfectly. This gives an unfair advantage with loading times, and game speed in general compared to the original PS2 hardware.

At first I vouched Emulator runs to be banned, but then I realised that we would lose old runs related to this game's history of WR especially runs that were made by PeterAfro and Radge.

Therefore, EMU runs will stay in misc documentation purpose.

Regions also been added to this game due significant difference between PS2 versions and other factors in HDC such as fast text skip based on the language you are using.

편집한 사람 작성자 4 years ago
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