3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

I think that with the Steam Version going free to play as of 9/22/2020 I think it would be more attractive to new people if we did add smaller categories 1-10 levels, 1-25,1-50.

Even as someone with speedrun experience going from 1-400 is a daunting experience and could possibly deter people from even starting.

United States

Short answer: no Slightly less short answer: There are 149 levels in the game- I agree it's a bit daunting but that's just how the game is.

Long answer: Chip's Challenge already has shorter runs in getting the best times on individual levels, tracked here: Speedrun categories generally should beat or complete the game they're for and so any partial completion category has to have a very compelling reason to exist. 1-10 is the lesson levels, Nuts and Bolts and Brushfire and would be reasonable to get a set of perfect times along the way. 1-25 includes Blobnet at 23, which is arguably the hardest level to complete which would absolutely deter people. And so on for any other partial categories.

Additionally, both the MS and Lynx rulesets are also playable for free via Tile World, with the community levelsets freely available.

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