Introductions and Announcements
3 years ago
United Kingdom

Hello all. Due to the previous moderator not being active for a while, I found myself now as the moderator of this board.

I've brought along @Tenka, @NerdyNester, and @Habble to be my moderation team, as they're all already highly respected moderators within the Fighting Game Speedrunning community.

We've implemented a number of changes and updates already, as we didn't believe the board was being maintained to the standard it should have been.

Here is a list of the changes we have already made, or the changes we plan on making in the future:

  • Independant Level/Character Board

  • The Split of the Arcade category, into 3 sub-categories. These being Any%, Normal, World Warrior. All runs previously submitted under said category can now be found under the Any% sub-category.

  • The renaming and moving of the Arcade (Grand Master Bison) category. It can now be found as a misc. sub-category under the Arcade category, now simply named Grand Master. This was done to preserve the runs that already existed for the category.

  • Unbanning the use of emulators.

  • The addition of a Co-Op sub-category for Buddy Battle, along with 3 other sub-categories related to difficulty, similar to the Arcade category.

  • An update and general clean up of all rulesets across the board.

  • The merger of all 3 WotH catergoies into 1 main category.

  • The unbanning of Shin Akuma/Gouki across all categories. Given the current known strategies for the game, playing as Shin Akuma/Gouki offers no advantage from a speedrun point of view.

All of these changes will of course be up for revision in the future, and if anyone has any questions or concerns in regard to anything I've mentioned above, please post it as a response in this thread.

Thanks, DW

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Habble そして Tenka これを好き
投稿日 3 years ago
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