Italytatticadanito4 years ago

Will it be hosted here ? Should I submit a new leaderboard ? I'm currently planning to do a few ILs runs and would like to know where i'll find the leaderboards.

Italytatticadanito5 years ago

Hello guys, few days ago I decided to play YGO WC 2008 again and I started to take some notes for a possible speedrun, I made a route for the first world and recorded a test run: (music in the background, sorry for that) the final time is 1 hour and 36 minutes. The run is awful but it was just to test some stuff, I think that sub 1 hour for the first world is definitely achievable consistently.

NOTE: I wrote that you need to fight each duelist 5 times, this is not exactly true, it's just the max number of times that you might have to fight each duelist before you can fight Curse of Vampire.

What went wrong in the run:

  • movement and menuing could've been a lot faster.
  • I forgot that Rogue Doll is not in the starting deck, therefore I couldn't get the card with the password.
  • I had to fight Curse of the Vampire 3 times cause the first 2 fights were incredibly unlucky.

I wanted to ask if some people might be in interested in helping me routing the game, I finished the game a few times when I was younger but now I don't remember much, I'm still finishing my playthrough.

I'm gonna post some resources:

Anyway, If someone is interested you can add me on Discord: tatticadanito#2844, we could create a Discord server if needed.

Please DM me on Discord, I don't get notifications when people reply here. I'll check this post for a week or so anyway.

Italytatticadanito5 years ago

Does every character have the same stats (speed, turbo, ecc.) ? Or is the car from Power Drive 2000 that everyone uses for time trials the fastest ?

EDIT: I had an answer on the discord server: every character is the same.

Italytatticadanito7 years ago

Hello everyone, my internet sucks so I can't post a video but it's really easy to do so I'll try to explain how to do it.

  1. Hold the attack button
  2. Sit in front of a ladder
  3. Hold Down on the D-Pad/Keyboard
  4. Press jump

Now your character will start to fly until it reaches a roof, if you want to come back down you need to release the attack button. I call this glitch "Ladder Floating", if you want to change the name go ahead.

P.S. I've only tested this glitch with the Butternut Bro, but I think it will work with every character.

Italytatticadanito8 years ago

Im the moderator of the Project M leaderboard and i'd like to change the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place icon, how do i do it ? and what size should the icons be ?

Italytatticadanito8 years ago

It seems that every game has this new button on his sidebar: http://i.imgur.com/3d79qJT.png And if you click that it takes you to a blank page with some code (?) written: http://i.imgur.com/rbI1uSg.png What is it ? Is it a bug ?

Italytatticadanito8 years ago

Metal Slug its coming on PC the 26th of June and i think that it would be a good thing to have every leaderboard in the same style, with every difficulty for full game runs and individual levels leaderboard. I would really appreciate it :) sorry for my englando, hope you understand

EDIT: Im a mod of this game so i edited myself

Italytatticadanito8 years ago

Is there a tutorial or something like that ? https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Super_Mario_64_DS this is the only thing that i could find also, why there isn't a 35 Star category ? the link above seem to explain the route for it.

Italytatticadanito8 years ago

Is there a tutorial or something like that ? https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Super_Mario_64_DS this is the only thing that i could find

Italytatticadanito9 years ago

Just like Project M its a mod of Brawl and not his own game Super Smash Land should not be in the series cause its a fanmade game.

hope you can understand my english

DrYoshiyahu これを好き
Italytatticadanito9 years ago

I really enjoy ILs runs, could add a leaderboard for it please ?

Italytatticadanito9 years ago

just compare some All-Stars runs Emulator VS No Emulator, you will see that emulator's loading times are faster. ( this is just my opinion, tell me if you think that i am wrong and why)

Italytatticadanito9 years ago

Its changed but to be honest i dont know how i did it and i'd like to change it. If you dont understand what i mean i made an image to explain it better http://i.imgur.com/CZYuIon.png

Italytatticadanito9 years ago

The leaderboard of Melee exists but its not in the Super Smash Bros series page, why ?

Italytatticadanito9 years ago

as you can see here http://www.speedrun.com/Project_M/individual_levels i've added the section Smash Targets but it dosent show up when i click on Level Leaderboard. i know that i can click under on show level to click on smash targets but i want to add another category and i cant seem to find a way to create it without having the same sub-category (like level 1; level 2 ecc..), help ?

i hope you all understand, im not english so i may have wrote something wrong

9 years ago
4 months ago
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最終アクション 3 years ago