North Carolina, USAconmangamer221 month ago

they don't despawn, WR does the level in a way that they're facing left when the button that frees them is pressed so that they're off screen and not in front of the goal when getting the last shine.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer224 months ago

this feels kinda arbitrary and random but this game is arbitrary and random and I like being Shrek so I second this

NinoAndMiku これを好き
スレッド: Mario Party 10
North Carolina, USAconmangamer221 year ago

I don't think he did either I think he's cheating.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer222 years ago

did a run of this, can say it makes no sense but I was curious what my time would be. This feels like you just trying to create a category that you might think you could be good at and banning things you aren't good at. It has no reason to exist. If we made categories for every possible ruleset we'd have a practically unlimited amount of stupid categories that make no sense and that no one would run.

that being said here's my run, following all the rules (lobby stars only, no cannonless, file select timing like you used):

DultzyWaltzy これを好き
North Carolina, USAconmangamer222 years ago

decided to do a test run of this and it's an interesting category. Definitely changes things up and forces you to look at the game almost entirely differently.

here's the run (yes I know I accidentally wall kicked in fire sea)

Jodie64 そして supergamer3000 これを好き
North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

Yeah I agree, separating the runs that include restarts from those that don't makes a lot of sense, especially now that restarts are banned and runners can't use the same tactics that the top runs used. Splitting runs that have no restarts and runs that do makes the most sense. Also not sure what would happen to runs that don't have full video proof to prove that they didn't use restart but I think those should be moved to the restart category if it's split.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

completely agreed, something needs to be done about these leaderboards since the current setup and rules undermines the entire point of full game speedruns. If the mods could respond to this with something at least instead of ignoring it every time it's been brought up that'd be great too.

Rhylam これを好き
North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

fun fact: sometimes when you change a core mechanic of a game it causes the game to do an oopsie-daisy and do things it's not supposed to do.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

please don't reply to a 3 year old post with a single word that adds nothing to the discussion :)

North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

Imagine malding over where someone puts there splits. There is no reason to suggest that this run is spliced. There are plenty of runs over many games where people put livesplit in the corner and it covers up a portion of the game and it's acceptable as long as it's not covering something that's essential to calling out fake runs. My question to you is how would he get away with splicing and how would having livesplit in the bottom left corner help him do that. The video you provided shows something being blocked that is essential to verifying runs and that's not the case here. You might be able to make a case about the items being blocked but even then that's so easy to fake in advance compared to celeste's berries that it doesn't make sense to make a big deal over it, especially when there is absolutely no evidence of cheating in any way and plenty of evidence that points towards legitimate play like good quality and a history of livestreaming attempts.

For someone who's only forum post in 3 years is this and has submitted absolutely no runs, much less runs of this, to say something like this like you know what you're talking about when you clearly don't and getting upset to the point where you feel the need to make this forum and get angry at anyone trying to respond to you and explain why you're wrong isn't doing anything to protect the integrity of the leaderboards but instead making you look extremely annoying and making people dislike you.

If you feel the need to call out a run and say it should be taken down you need more than "this game does this so we need to do the same" because that's now how that works, every game has their own standards and you have no right to tell the moderators what is and isn't acceptable proof with specifics like this.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

limga, LunaEclipse4 そして 4 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Paper Roblox
North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

I've never seen a teleport between chapters fail in the restored version but if it does happen it will not count against you and will only add time in the "time with loads" section, which is not what you are ranked on.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

restarting races completely ruins the point of a full game run and just makes it segmented and the fact that it isn't banned entirely still surprises me. At the very least true single segment runs that don't use restarts shouldn't be forced to compete with the runs that use restarts to void the whole point of a full game speedrun and should be separate at the very least.

Bastirog そして CyrusTheYoshi これを好き
North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

Some people may have noticed their runs getting rejected in Olympic Events. The main reason is skipping the second jump on Individual Large Hill. This was never allowed and how it managed to slip by me and the other mods confuses me. After thinking for a few days we have decided to reject runs that don't do both ski jumps for the sake of maintaining integrity of the boards.

Some_Texan_Yeehaw これを好き
North Carolina, USAconmangamer223 years ago

um first off this thread is over a year old and second off this makes no sense. If the screen has 30ms of delay adding 30ms of artificial input delay will just add it onto the screen delay turning it into 60ms. That would make it an even more unplayable mess and quite literally make the problem worse. Do a little research before you waste everyone's time.

スレッド: Super Mario Sunshine
North Carolina, USAconmangamer224 years ago

Just because the version is faster doesn't mean it needs a separate leaderboard. A separate category or subcategory might be warranted but making a new leaderboard for the same game is unnecessary

North Carolina, USAconmangamer224 years ago

I feel like we definitely need new mods. I think the rules aren't defined at all. I hate the idea that restarting races is apparently allowed due to top runs being verified that restart races. This ruins the entire point of speedrunning the game and is a huge turn off. It ruins competition when you try to get a good run and then you see top runners restarting races with no punishment because the game allows it. I think getting new mods to help verify runs quickly and also establish a better rule set would help this game a lot.

Soraz そして Bastirog これを好き
North Carolina, USAconmangamer224 years ago

if you're on n64 you could just take out the cartridge as soon as the game boots up. even if that were banned crashing the game only takes 20 seconds so it's not worth it as a category.

スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
North Carolina, USAconmangamer224 years ago

It sounds like a fun way to give away practice carts. If this happens I'll definitely join in.

KilleDragon これを好き
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