Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo3 years ago

Considering my reasoning for not allowing them originally is that they were not accessible to all players I see no reason why they should still be banned. No character in offline from file #3 can even remotely compete with Kevin in any scenario. The only way it will alter offline off the top of my head is it will speed up below freezing point for the portion of it that you will not have a shotgun to get 2H weapon movement speed since Amelia is faster than Yoko. On easy and normal this is only the case for 3 minutes of the run. It would make a greater impact on hard and very hard as you do not get the shotgun until late. Regardless it is not a big enough change overall to argue that it shouldn't be allowed.

Hurricane_Kris そして TheDarkenedRose これを好き
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo3 years ago

Outbreak is restricted to just the JPN version due to it being the only version able to access online this is also why it is the only version to have the SRT. No one plays on the non - JPN versions anymore. It is just as accessible as any other version of the game on EMU so there is no reason not to use it end of story.

Also I would like to hear about how a different version is faster considering the game runs off IGT and every version I've ever seen including the PAL release is 60hz.

TheDarkenedRose そして FinalFrantasy これを好き
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo4 years ago

From my testing I could only get it to work on the original PC version which I do not run on. I play on the remastered PC version that is identical to the PS4/X1. I would also assume it to be possible on the versions similar to the OG PC version like the PS2 version, but running on PS2 would lose you far more time than that would save.

Cobermai これを好き
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo4 years ago

I would consider doing this if it was similar to MUA 2 where the game is legitimately different per version, however the game is the same game no matter what console you play on. I learned using weebmeister and zen_ivan's runs which were on the classic PC version and my NG run is on the PC remaster. The only trick I could not replicate was a dialogue skip in Asgard seen in weebmeisters run and it saves very little time. Therefor I do not see the point in separating the boards since all it will do is offer free WRs and clutter the boards with empty categories.

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo4 years ago

I apologize for the delayed response. I do still run the game on occasion, but I do believe that I am the only active community member anymore unfortunately. If you need help with anything feel free to contact me on discord or here.

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo5 years ago

As I told Hurriboy when I spoke personally with him, I have lost my passion to really speedrun as I do not have the time for it anymore with college and a full time job. Therefor I am stepping down as a moderator of the outbreak series. I would not mind being a verifier at a later date if that is needed provided I have more time in the future.

WitchRain これを好き
スレッド: Dino Stalker
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo5 years ago

I've always played on 1.4 when I use emu, it's an accurate choice gameplay wise but as you said there is a flashing issue. As far as I know there was no way to fix that

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo5 years ago

For no damage and no weapon I would require all members to not take damage or use weapons. Special items wouldn't be able to really be a defined category because iirc SP items are locked to certain character types and difficulties so it wouldn't be done in 1 run

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo5 years ago

Oh oops, I haven't played online in quite some time so I completely forgot about not being able to have multiples of the same character type in file 1. I'll fix that really quick, hard mode should be added soon as well. I can add no damage seeing as my most recent run was a no damage. No weapon I would need a video for someone to submit

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo5 years ago

I am happy to inform you guys that we now have a Category extension page for Outbreak File 1 and 2. For the moment we have the following categories

Melee Only Kevin Only Mark Only Jim Only George Only David Only Alyssa Only Yoko Only Cindy Only Stick Figures Only

File 1 link https://www.speedrun.com/Resident_Evil_Outbreak_Category_Extensions

File 2 link https://www.speedrun.com/Resident_Evil_Outbreak_File_2_Category_Extensions

Feel free to suggest more categories either here or in the forums in the category extension pages

witchakorn これを好き
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo5 years ago

I am happy to inform you guys that we now have a Category extension page for Outbreak File 1 and 2. For the moment we have the following categories

Melee Only Kevin Only Mark Only Jim Only George Only David Only Alyssa Only Yoko Only Cindy Only Stick Figures Only

File 1 link https://www.speedrun.com/Resident_Evil_Outbreak_Category_Extensions

File 2 link https://www.speedrun.com/Resident_Evil_Outbreak_File_2_Category_Extensions

Feel free to suggest more categories either here or in the forums in the category extension pages

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo5 years ago

That is super weird, I've tried to replicate it on my PC copy and my PS2 copy and have not been able to do so. I unfortunately do not own a Wii copy so I haven't gotten to try it on the Wii

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo5 years ago

I'm not actually sure if that discord is still active as for some reason I am not in it anymore. I made a new one though. https://discord.gg/S2gFVJ4

スレッド: The Site
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo6 years ago

Hey I would like to be a mod for the Orion Prelude leaderboard. The single mod that set up the board never set any proper rules and hasn't been online since he put his own runs on the board over 2 months ago. He doesn't have any contact information for me to get a hold of him so I am posting here.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo6 years ago

How are we approaching the whole what is allowed in NG now. Are costumes/unlockable characters usable in NG now?

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo6 years ago

I am happy to read that you are wanting to run the game. I don't think I will need an additional moderator unless the community for this game ends up being much larger than I anticipate. Sorry I cannot help you with your capture card issue as I don't know much about them.

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo6 years ago

I will honestly admit that I do not know too much about the n-space version of the game as I do not own it and lack the time to casually play it. If any of my rules need be questioned or are incorrect about that version of the game please address it here

スレッド: The Site
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo6 years ago

I just resubmitted my game and put in the additional notes that I got no reason for rejection, hopefully they get back to us about that

The_Retro_Challenger これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo6 years ago

I submitted Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 a couple of days ago as it is not a game on this site. It was rejected today and when I click on the notification to see the reason it was rejected I am brought to the latest runs screen with no explanation.

For anyone curious on what I mean about not being given a reason https://gyazo.com/e5463c4b8b2ddc3282313e23ff3cd1b6

Ohio, USAWoweeTheDoggo6 years ago

If you insist on changing the rules and removing my NG run you need to remove your own NG run as it uses blade before he is actually unlocked.

Escade そして NintendoBrothers64 これを好き
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