United StatesKosmic5 years ago

Just do runs of whatever you want. If you want to do runs with this then go for it. You don't need a leaderboard for it to do so.

And yes it does make all the levels free. Those who are already capable of fpg and other advanced tricks would not choose to spend time doing those tricks with this code on, since any% is already enough of a grind. For those who aren't already proficient at those tricks, they would do better to just practice the tricks in isolation.

WiiSuper, Lul_ecks_dee そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

The verification process isn't skipped, it is completed before the run enters the queue.

Superrunner そして roopert83 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

There are a lot of things I could say in response to this but I know you're not in a good state of mind right now and hopefully you can cool off and look back at this whole thing more reasonably. People were banned from the general smb discord from non smb1 mods. I'm open to having a dialogue with you if you can take a step back and look at the whole picture with us.

hitzcritz, Otterstone_Gamer そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

Watch how the TAS does 4-2 warp zone, and that's how you would save the framerule with no clip.

hitzcritz, Gaster319, そして Otterstone_Gamer これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

Ends don't justify means, and the least effective way to inspire people is to tell them they're doing a bad job, especially when you don't have all the facts. I hope you will take a more considerate approach in the future.

Melwing17, Darpey そして 4 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

If the point of the post is to drive home that runs should/could be verified faster, why even bring up how many runs are verified by x person? I think a personal message of gratitude towards those who you want to thank, and a forum post purely promoting discussion/presenting solutions for the problem. If that was truly the point, why was nothing said about it in the original post? All this will do is cause onlookers to garner distaste towards certain moderators. That's where I suggest a different approach.

Picante's sentiments are perfect. I don't think there is really much I could add. Various mods write novels in discord and also applications that make timing the game easier.

Can we do something to speed up the verification process? Yes. Definitely. Let's make posts about that then instead :)

Thelxinoe, Quivico そして 6 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

LetsGio, coolestto そして 4 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

Are all sub badges supposed to be available in profile settings? I have the ability to select 1 month through 1 year sub badges, but none past that.

United StatesKosmic5 years ago

Regarding Cheating on the SMB1/2J Leaderboards:

In the past, we have dealt with cheating on a case-by-case basis.

Going forward, we would like to establish more clear guidelines on how the moderation team will be handling ill-intended submissions to the Super Mario Bros./Lost Levels leaderboards. These include the category extension boards as well.

First offenses will result in a one-month ban from submitting to the leaderboards from the date cheating is discovered. During this time, an audit of runs previously submitted by the offending user will take place.

Upon learning of previous cheating attempts, or if the user is caught cheating after the temporary ban, the user will be permanently banned from submission to these leaderboards. It is in your best interest to admit to any cheating done previously to potentially avoid a permanent ban.

Attempting to circumvent the temporary ban with a new account will also result in a permanent ban.

We understand that people can change over time and will offer users a chance to appeal one year after a permanent ban is put in place. An appeal does not guarantee an unban.

TheSecondTry, Dayphid そして 8 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

Regarding Cheating on the SMB1/2J Leaderboards:

In the past, we have dealt with cheating on a case-by-case basis.

Going forward, we would like to establish more clear guidelines on how the moderation team will be handling ill-intended submissions to the Super Mario Bros./Lost Levels leaderboards. These include the category extension boards as well.

First offenses will result in a one-month ban from submitting to the leaderboards from the date cheating is discovered. During this time, an audit of runs previously submitted by the offending user will take place.

Upon learning of previous cheating attempts, or if the user is caught cheating after the temporary ban, the user will be permanently banned from submission to these leaderboards. It is in your best interest to admit to any cheating done previously to potentially avoid a permanent ban.

Attempting to circumvent the temporary ban with a new account will also result in a permanent ban.

We understand that people can change over time and will offer users a chance to appeal one year after a permanent ban is put in place. An appeal does not guarantee an unban.

TheLemonyBard, Digoo27 そして 89 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic5 years ago

An organization called GG is hosting a warpless tournament. Registration closes this Saturday, October 6th. It's best of 3 and double elimination. There's a minimum $50 prize.

We've had 60+ entrants for warpless in the past, I hope we can get quite a few this time as well!


Lul_ecks_dee, Ribb95 そして 5 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic6 years ago

Are you saying a bill should never shoot? I've had a bill shoot several times just in the first few pellson rom framerules.

Adrian そして Ribb95 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic6 years ago

This clip is at least 9 years old, if not older haha.

iplaymario124, xx_420_blazit_xx そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic6 years ago

I don't know where the idea came from that the entire reason for this is "it's easier for the mods." Having a list of approved hardware/software is way more organized and eliminates all of the edge cases and runs done on clone consoles etc. etc. I don't understand what not wanting to calculate 60fps runs even means lol. You're going to divide by the NES framerate anyway, dividing by 60 saves you 5 keystrokes. :)

Again there's a weird mentality going on here that suggests we're just trying to find ways to be lazy? Making the case for something different is fine (which you've done) but this whole thread could really do without all the aggressive stabs.

dlloyd10, Sophia_Coin そして 4 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic6 years ago

Calm down. You're acting like you have to rebel against some oppressive government or something. This is literally a post showing an active effort to make the system work better. I don't see why when one thing doesn't seem to work everyone loses their mind like it's all over; written in stone and doomed to fail.

An input file is a pretty reasonable thing to ask for from an emulator run. If I ran on emulator I'd want to record them for my runs anyway lol. Obviously all of the backlash is from people that use nestopia. No one is complaining about any other changes (and there are a lot of them), so clearly the "new rules" as a whole are not a problem. It's very ironic to be on the outside looking in and claim the mods are ill informed.

This isn't a post about how nestopia will be handled, we're discussing that right now. This is me being bewildered at the severe reactions in this thread- just latching onto the only part of the change that affects you and acting like it's the crime of the century. We're not unreasonable people; if there's an oversight we'll figure it out. In the future I suggest asking clarifying questions and not responding with outrage before hearing the answers. It's going to be okay! Speedruns NOT cancelled!

sam1370, MurphInTheWild そして 14 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic6 years ago

Retron console runs have been rejected in the past because those consoles are inaccurate. There hasn't been a written rule against it and therefore nothing standardized which is the reason for the discrepancy. That will be fixed shortly when we release the updated ruleset in the very near future.

iplaymario124, Groudontamer そして 4 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic6 years ago

There's an awkward balance here where we want to do the best job possible, but have limited time. Of course one answer to that is to add more verifiers. That's being worked on. That will help deal with the bulk of runs, but there are specific runs which stay in the queue for a very long time for other reasons. There can be issues with finding the exact time of a run, among other things. You'll notice multiple people in this thread specifically complained about the 8-4 IL category. First of all, main SMB1 categories will always have higher priority than category extensions for obvious reasons. But blubbler explained why these runs specifically haven't been verified. Similar issues to these will be brought up, some feedback is given, and then, either while waiting for more mods to give feedback or while actively trying to solve the issue, time passes and the run doesn't get verified. That's not always the case. Many issues are resolved and dealt with. But that's the reason some runs (including runs done by mods themselves I.E. My All Stars Any% runs) take so long to be verified.

eddiecatgaming, Lul_ecks_dee そして 5 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic6 years ago


Solid answer. Just wanted to note that Speeddemosarchive is not a world record site. Their mission is just to host high quality runs, not necessarily world records.

607 そして KingOfJonnyBoy これを好き
スレッド: Super Mario Bros.
United StatesKosmic6 years ago

Excellent relay of information and detective work. This is especially helpful for runs with THE xx_420_blazit_xx clip because the only 50/50 situation I'm likely to land on is 8-2. 8-6 is also possible, but most often I land on 8-3, 8-4, or 8-5.


KingOfJonnyBoy これを好き
United StatesKosmic6 years ago

annsmb uses lost levels mechanics. In lost levels fireworks happen if last digit of timer = last digit of coin count. If the number is even you get 6 fireworks, odd you get 3.


370 with 00 coins = 6 fireworks 369 with 19 coins = 3 fireworks

If your coin count is a multiple of 11 you get a 1-up as well!

tranceking26 これを好き
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