Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Can the Roms you load when using the BGB emulator for GB be reverse engineered to get the game code? Would help me with routing a game I'm working on because not much is on the Internet about the game.

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Any general game mechanic advice you could pass on to help me route the GB version? or glitches to test? I know the games are different but there must be certain mechanics that stay the same that you've already optimized, right?

Starting from scratch is rough but a challenge I'm willing to accept! XD

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Because i got a group project due tomorrow but I want to start my first play through of a game that I'm looking into speedrunning.

To those who have school and jobs that take up most of your time, how much of your freetime do you actually dedicate to speedrunning?

ROMaster2 これを好き
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Like in the settings somewhere or a toggle? so that i don't have to scroll down as much to check the game forums?

Mitsunee これを好き
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Was watching a streamer play the poorly translated Vietnamese Crystal, (it's in English but was poorly translated from Vietnamese.) And I was wondering if anyone knew if there were any notable speedrun-changing differences between that game and normal Crystal? If not, It'd be cool to run crystal with messed up translations just for fun, and I'd be interested in doing so. XD

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

A game I'm looking into trying to maybe speedrun I just picked up on the switch last night. And it requires touch screen only controls so it can't be docked when you play it. Can you record an undocked switch more professionally than external camera?

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Did you find a difference related to platform, language, etc. that affects the speed of the game? Talk about it here so that everyone knows!

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

This is where discussion of category additions will be.

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

For the great birthday gift! My game got added to the site!

Just wanted to say thanks. :3

Jerome, Casssss そして 2 その他 これを好き
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

from the time of this post.


Just thought I'd throw this out there since it's kinda a spur of the moment thing

Ratttz これを好き
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

So since I joined SRC forums 6 days ago, I've read alot of negativity displayed on the boards, negativity and drama. I read back about a month or so on each of the general boards except introductions(which seems abundantly positive). By no means was it exclusively negative, but there's been more of it than there has any right to be.

So I'd like to start a weekly post on Saturdays where people can share positive moments they've had in the past week and just feel good about speedrunning. There is always a silver lining when you search hard enough. Feel free to post anything positive that's happened for you. (relevance to speedrunning not needed)

Mine is:

I've started routing the first game I want to speedrun (Ballad of Solar) and I've already found a time saving glitch! Woohoo!

Oxknifer これを好き
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

So I'm currently routing a game that I want to request(Ballad of Solar), and I was streaming it earlier today when I found the first time saving glitch in the game. Problem is, I don't know how to precisely replicate it. I've replicated it once since i discovered it in the video below, but i still have no idea how to do it.

This game is driven by mouse only, so what you see on screen are the only inputs.

Around 0:55 or so in the video, i click a log for the worker to cut and he freezes in place and does the work without pathing to the position, I then click a few other logs and it still works. It even worked when i clicked the food bush, but then stopped working suddenly (probably from the worker being idle for too long)

Any ideas??? If this can be consistent and replicated across multiple levels in the game that would save so much time for this run, but even if it only works for this one spot in this level, you'd save a couple seconds.

Since this game isn't on the site yet, because I still need to finish a full single-segment run to request it, there isn't a game-specific forum for it either, so that's why I'm posting this here in the general speedrunning forum.

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

so if I request a game and it is accepted, is a game-specific forum generated automatically or is it made manually by me or someone else?

just curious how it works?

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

So I'm practically a newborn at speedrunning (still trying to get my first single-segment recording done).... But the game I've chosen, Ballad of Solar (a mobile/PC friendly time management game), seems to be a 2-4 hour run (estimated), and I'm having trouble doing the entire game in one sitting in order to record a run.

I know many games have multi-hour runs and especially 100% runs are typically long. So I'm here to ask, any tips or tricks for completing multi-hour runs?

Since I need to get a full single-segment run done in order to submit a game request, I'm really struggling. The game would be really good for IL's and such though, since you can replay any level you've already beaten at any time. And there are only 30 levels.

Oxknifer これを好き
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Hi everyone! Been on a binge watching the recent GDQ's (SGDQ 2016, AGDQ 2017, still need to watch SGDQ 2017) and it made me want to give speedrunning a shot.

One problem... I actually suck a video games. My reflexes are horrible, and I only started playing games in college really... which I'm about to graduate in May.

But I figured there must be some kinds of games i'm good at, right? So i'm going to give my shot to a few time management games that aren't on the site yet and see if i can get a run posted!

Wish me luck!


Oxknifer そして soru これを好き
6 years ago
6 years ago
Ballad of Solar
Ballad of Solar
最終ラン 6 years ago
最終ラン 6 years ago
Ballad of Solar
Ballad of Solar
最終訪問 6 years ago
Pokémon Crystal
Pokémon Crystal
最終訪問 6 years ago
Azure Dreams
Azure Dreams
最終訪問 6 years ago
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
最終訪問 6 years ago
Ballad of Solar
Ballad of Solar
最終アクション 6 years ago