スレッド: Sleeping Dogs
GermanyFeurigerilias4 years ago

Personally I think it should be made legal. Main reason is definitive edition comes with all DLC and the highroller pack allows for a massive time advantage making this whole thing stupid in the first place.

Base version is more glitchy and would allow for more tricks in the long run and I think this is the one we should focus on. The question is more should the highroller pack be allowed in base as in general all dlc as the same as definitive edition?

EDIT: Okay definitive Edition comes with pay to win outfits from the legendary clothes seller. One gives you 60% more powerful punches one makes weapons 50% more accurate and these are able to be bought for 10000 ingame currency. In the base game if you have that DLC it is just gifted you. Many other ouffits have boosts. Some need to be unlocked making them uninteresting but the once that you get access and a buff immediately is a huge problem.

Same with the traid and coop score booster both in silver and gold form.

They are a serious problem. And the only way to counteract it is by making it illegal. Including the defintive edition.

It's like in a CIV Speedrun where Babylon is the best civ for a science victory but it is DLC. Should that also be not allowed?

Of course not. The problem with games nowadays being blatant pay to win and goming pay to win mechanics is that you need to abuse them if you want to win and if a preoder bonus leads to the fastest time sadly this how it is. If you dont want that, you cant run the game really or run it your way.

I want to experimente with this pay to win mechanics to see how much it breaks the game. It would also be a great showing why such DLC and stuff shouldnt be included. Ever. But it is and we have to deal with it and accept it.

スレッド: Sleeping Dogs
GermanyFeurigerilias4 years ago

This is an important debate we need to have. In general what DLC should be allowed for the baseversion? Because with the high texture pack which is free you can gain easy two minutes by clipping through walls and get the early gun.

Personally I am very unsure. At least that one is free. Personally I have started to think that anything should be allowed. Sucks you have to buy and shell out money to get access to a faster car but such is life in modern gaming. It sucks. But I dont really see an easy out of it as the definitive edition rolls in the highroller pack as standard which is a massive time advantave. So in the end it is already allowed. I think definitive edition also comes with money bags on the map for free.

Personally I consider DLC expansion meant by the developer. Obviously to cash in. Personally I dont know what DLC is available at what point and how this breaks the game but it needs to be tested. And sadly with my wallet.

It also makes me think what is 100%? The all dlc definitive edition or base game when it came out? Or does all DLC content count in the base game like the races and so on?

TL;DR It sucks and I dont have an answer but personally I think it should be legal.

BuXiang これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Also I missed Jolzi actually saying something on topic.

First off all you say a "long time ago". I want to have a little bit more information of what you might have misunderstood two months ago.

I will do now much more experimentating and find out what weird version mix Kyle uses.

Nothing would be real proof for you. You have seriously very little experience for this game. I don't even know why you mod GTAIV or SA for that matter. IF you would be testing it you could confirm it. Since I assume you haven't done so and just pretend that it couldn't be proven just tells me how much you have tried to do so.

The fact you said the handling was in all versions the same just tells me all i need to know. It will take the handling of the version you start with. So for you 1.07. So no wonder that you have the same handling in all the patches with a little bit weirdness. Not severe. For you Jolzi with your experience noticable? Not really.

The only way for you to notice would be for you to try it out on a clean windows install and make actually tests between upgraded retail 1.04 and realize how much more different the driving is. Simple fact is you dont even know what actual 1.04 handling is like. It's very much different from 1.07 and more so from the botched downgrade.

That is not subjective. Are you telling me that my Roman's Sorrow where I cheated has normal handling? Would you verify that run?

I knew people would now pretend that screwing the handling/physics engine with downgrading/different settingfiles or other file mixing suddenly now is legitimate.

For a casual a player it doesnt matter. Who has multiple install installed of the same game? It's an outside modification. With a fresh install it cannot be done. And fresh means new windows. Or deep uninstallation using an uninstaller programm.

Why would you think that Rockstar had intended for you to install the "official" rockstar patch over a new patch. Do you have it written from the dev that this is completely a okay? NO! In fact you won't even find any information on how to downgrade the game on their website. Only outside forums have that information, that as it turns out is created by fans with their best of knowledge.

So pretending this what the devs intended. Good joke. What dev intended people to install older patches over newer ones?

You don't even have to be a gta IV speedrunner to know this one very likely won't work out.

So again, implying this stuff is legal, why does Kyle deny it this much? Why didnt he make it open so we can have an open discussion about it?

I have him on record stating that there is no botch. I know it is a lie. And if you would be a good mod that cares about this game you would do some serious testing on a livestream.

Same thing goes for San Andreas because downgrading and using an incorrect settingsfile does cause big handling issues.

Also here is 5. since you left out.

  1. The devs never intended for people to install patches over the wrong game version and therefore didnt include a game check to look for correct settingsfile/gamelimit.dat. So you are abusing that? Well if you would include the setup time to cheat yourself better handling into the timer maybe. And even then. NO!

It's a rather clear case of version mixing and why do you think people were able to agree of not mixing the green pepper version with the steam vice city version.

You get a version that not only was not intended by the devs, you can only get it by your own action. It cannot be done ingame, so not it not a glitch. That one would have to happen inside the game.

Steam is meant to be played in 1.07. Because steam is a crappy service and so on. IF steam would be able to be shipped in 1.0 this wouldnt be a problem. IF deleting local content actually would do so correctly and get rid of the installation properly, also this wouldnt be the biggest problem. So no, deleting local content doesnt get rid of it. Also upgrading back to 1.07 also doesn't get rid of it. Once there it stays.

Steam and retail settingfiles.dat/gamelimit.dat are also not compatible. IF you would be testing this instead of just straight out denying it, then you would be able to confirm.

So I'm asking Jolzi, have you done any testing?

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

If you would read the TOS pretty much everyone would be violating it because it is so thinly veiled. It's just a we can do whatever you want card. No I did not violate stuff they really hate.

Are you still pretending that proofing someone is cheating in a speedrun is totally no gaming content?

It's funny that you didn't even deny mass reporting my channel.

So instead of derailing this dicussion by your personal vengenda, how we keep it on the topic. I cheated. I admit to it. You have to be blind to not see it.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Well you are known for making x-alt accounts to harrass, even now decide to post on this topic you know don't understand.

Your hatred against me is just sheer insanity.

So you having a ton of accounts to mass report a channel you dont like? Very realistic.

Nothing against watching someone and adding my commentary. Pretending that cheating in a speedrun is not gaming content.

That's some serious reality bending.

And hey cannot make fun of hitler. Only Kittymuz is allowed to compare me to him and I end up worse than him.

RNJesus これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

I watched you for maybe half an hour and more today. And I was very critical of you and just decided to take your word even though my doubt remind and I made clear so.

So the nice gta community (at least some off them) got my account banned yet again and since this seems to be third strike it's perma for now. So for someone being this off they seem to care way too much.

But guess what I did upload at least part of the cheated Roman's Sorrow to my youtube.

You have to be blind to need see the driving being off.

So no this attempt of getting rid of the evidence didnt work all the way. Try again.

Also no Ryedawg you do not have the same version. If you would, you would be getting some weirder times. More insane.

Again learn to read correctly. If he would just downgrade steam and run with that and that is the version he is using, don't you think I would do so and replicate his times to get him? Because even that is still not enough to cheat like Kyledoesit.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Besides when I did analyse your new "pb" I did analyze times (not drives) and I noticed them to be off. I asked you if you were on the retail upgraded and you did uninstall properly. You said:

17:59:01] 1.04 [17:59:04] deleted [17:59:05] yes [17:59:56] yes lol [18:00:00] we had this talk before [18:01:54] i proly lost 2 min at the end because i diddnt have kyles thing open [18:02:00] i diddnt think i was going to pb [18:02:06] and the steam browser was down [18:02:08] lol

I even tried to nail your ass on mentioning the steam browser and you didnt reply.

Why did I ask so much?

Because I was smelling it. But in the end taking someone's word is normal. Yeah what a mistake.

But you just outted yourself to be the biggest scumbag, so the trap is just for you.

I have enough proof that I smelled it :P

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

So no, downgrading botching is not what Kyle does. He does even more which I still have to find. So what was your point?

The proof that you are without the doubt the most dishonest shithead I ever met?

Congrats. Proof provided.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

I already said that Kyledoesit uses even more than just a downgraded steam botch. So you nailed your own ass. If I could downgrade the steam version and than match kyle's time, don't you think I would? It does give you an advantage and I found myself saving in classic% Roman's Sorrow by one minutes.

The botch I describe up there is not a steam downgrade. It is a previous retail 1.04 and then a steam 1.07 install. Very different.

I analyzed the times you got in the 5:02 and since you are not a great player the times were nothing out of the reach. Alltough I already said that some off the shit I dont get as you lost a lot of time before undertaker but kept on par with my 4:58 PB. That doesnt make a whole lot of sense.

But again this just shows how terrible and toxic this community is. Hey let's just lie. That sucker took me serious without him going over the whole fucking run analyzing everything to bits and pieces.

This behavior is more discusting than anything I have ever seen.

Hey lying. Totes okay. I did it to proof. No, you abused my good will. That's what you did.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

As it turns out I was cheating for quite a few months in 2015. When I came back in February I switched from the retail version to the Steam version. I was immediately getting Roman's Sorrow Classic% PB's. In 4 attempts I was able to get a 1:15:29. My comments on that alone are interesting: "Considering I was doing this in a race and OBS crashed, what the fuck is going on, how come I improve so much and i get 2 new PBs at the same day. This was my fourth attempt overall after coming back. WTF."

I didnt understand how I Pb'd back then and rightfully so. If you do take a two month break, you will have to derust severly. This run shows a lot of magicial handling and allows for mistakes to not matter that normally would cost serious time.

Nowadays with updated strats and better game play I could beat that time, but that just comes down to being more experienced and not because my handling is severly off. I doubt with that version I could have gotten a sub 1:10 Roman's Sorrow because for that the advantage is not big enough, it is def and does allow for some time saving there that shouldn't be (skill wise). Realisticially I see that run should be sub 1:19 error wise.

I continued to cheat because I didnt have a direct comparison and so cheated even in the 5:16:20 any% speedrun, that I wasn't able to beat for 5 months. Why? Because the advantage from the botch was just so big that I had to seriously become better at the game and do proper routing.

I also got a new PC and with that came a new Windows installation (getting rid of botched handling).

When Kyle started downgrading, I also tried it out and I found it super weird. Because I couldnt get rid of the weirdness, I reinstalled windows and made a 1.0 retail install, that I cracked and upgraded to 1.04. With this version I did my 4:58:15. The only reason I was finally able to beat my 5:16 is not because of "skill", but because I updated the route and finally got the perfect phone calls, thus saving me a lot of time late game that I did lose in my 5:16 (just because this stuff wasn't figured out at all, which makes it even weirder that I was able to get such a time in the beginning of July). In fact at Undertaker I was 10 minutes behind the 5:16. That comes down to it being a race but even then with all updated strats and a really good run, which avoids many mistakes and issues the 5:16:20 has, I can only get a 5 minute better Undertaker. In theory more. But again it demands great RNG.

So I did cheat. I don't feel bad for admitting it. The reasons are obvious. I was a noob, came in between retirement and didnt notice anything off with my game.

As soon as I switched to a newer PC with a correct Steam installation, I had the comparison between weird driving and correct one, which is why I didnt do the downgrade because even in August I found it to be incorrect. I didnt realize not only was it incorrect, but it gave you a time advantage.

The botch can be combined in various forms. Getting rid of it is hard, so it is a beginners trap if you don't know the game well enough.

The first version you will install on your pc will be the one you will have to use. No downgrading, no installations of steam, when a retail version was present and so on.

So installing a retail version 1.04, then "uninstalling" it and installing a 1.07 steam and then downgrading doesnt give you weird handling. It will still give you advantages that actual 1.04 doesnt have and most likely does come from files not properly downgraded.

Actual 1.04 does have AI not pathing correctly. It can be a pain to get Little Jacob through Russian Revolution for example. With the downgrade it won't be broken.

We need an open discussion about the version botching and not allow someone to just deny its exististence. Kyle has been showing magic even in classic%. Sub 1:10 Roman's Sorrow is not possible. So how can he have magic handling, when he has been using Steam 1.07 back then?

What was his first version ever installed? These are questions, that are allowed to be asked and should be answered.

In the end this holds true and you can test it yourself.

  1. Play GTA IV/SA
  2. Switch settings to very low
  3. Quit game
  4. Copy the setting file (C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\Settings)
  5. Switch settings to very high
  6. Quit game
  7. Copy over the setting file with the ones from the very low settings

Somehow the driving and some of the animations break. I don't know why. So this would be interesting to find out what went wrong in the code. The settings files are encrypted, so finding out how the game interprets them and what they contain is not easy.

RNJesus, Wayno717, そして Elgu これを好き
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Well I want to donate it :P So shut up and take my money!

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

There are many points more to compare and I will most likely do so for now.

I also noticed when I compared a 9:36/9:38 First Date to your 9:25. Even though I frame limit in It's Your Call, there is barely a difference (maybe 0,1 seconds?). I should be saving 1.5 seconds over you, yet I don't.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

I did notice cabbing sometimes passing time and sometimes not passing time at all. I don't think it is random.

The simple reality is that this was Josh's first run and he was just too slow to complete the mission. He didnt set a marker instead searched for the target and between the moment when he gets out of the menu he loses massive time because of slow play.

Not because of cab times gone wild.

EDIT: Also further more the point where Joshimuz took the cab is very different from where you normally take it. Also the yellow marker.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Well I'm fucked. 2x 20 and on 50. So about 9 euros are dead for me. Charging a 100 SEK fee to exchange is just hilarious.

So edenall, may I sent a cheap letter to you with that money so you can use it for ESA stuff?

Might do a lolsy giveaway instead. We see.

I def. won't be in Sweden before the 30th of June

But thank so much for letting me know, so I won't have to rage when I actually go there.

So this is how it's supposed to work:

  1. National Treasury prints money.
  2. gives printed money to the bank for their atms.
  3. you get money from the atm.
  4. you pay for it in stores.
  5. the store brings it to the bank
  6. bank ships back notes that are old/getting changed for new series to national treasury

What kind of wonky system does Sweden have? OpieOP

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Sorry but it gets the point across, so hopefully he will understand why people don't take him "seriously" or want to take part in a "discussion"


You sure do like to ignore reality.

Good shit.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

It's nice for Nozlar to talk like I'm not even here. What a sad community this is.

But you know what? Fuck it, I'll make my own with blackjack and hookers.

Also no bullying.

So this is the last thing I really have to type here otherwise I would just repeat myself.

And I don't regret calling out cancer chat.

Great whataboutism. Suddenly this thread no longer is about cheating. I'm just so amazed. But hey one way to know you are right. Everyone loses their mind.

And if you trigger this community it gets triggered because they really really don't want to hear the truth.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

I'm not going into the shit memes.

I can just grin at anyone pretending this community contains "no hate".

I was told to go to insane asylum or worse, I have been told to die, I got threatened that my channel will be closed down. The insults were just so real and personal it is unbelievable. No random people people did that but community members that are "respected". That people post shitty as .gif and vids here doesn't even surprise me because this immaturity is always there no matter the drama. Never serious. Because fuck the dude who resetted so hard over Easy Fare Bullshit.

It's also amazing to see so many people that don't even know the speedrun nor the game be so full with themselves that they know better than me while Kyle still hasn't explained were his rng grind is.

Apparentely pointing that one out is wrong because dismissing someone who doesn't know what he is talking about. And btw, I did do SA any% I actually I grinded it for a bit before I realized it is not my

He is a crafty cheater who doesnt change handling but uses most likely recorded drives.

Yesterday I never accused anyone. This people were accused not only by Cyberthunder but by many others as well. I looked at Omega's driving in the 5:07:07 a little bit. It looks legit to me. Other people don't look legit and I never flip flopped on it. Omega explained himself calmly and didn't become personal, consistently insulting me or anyone for that matter. He had nothing to fear.

People becoming this ugly (and if we have to discuss that the shit right now happening is not despicable behavior, then you will never understand it ever) means a lot. It tells me they are hiding something. There is no reason to insult me this badly. And don't even pretend me calling a person an idiot because he doesn't run the game and yet has a very high opinion of it is literally the same.

SA is not my fight. I did runs for it and I can tell what the feel of the game is. If you are mod for a game and you verify runs you have to make sure you verify them and not just click accept because the dude is well regarded in the community.

I'm no longer even going to go into the Kyle cheating thing. If you believe someone can get one run for the day and immediately gets amazing rng and doesn't get destroyed at least in Easy Fare, Crime and Punishment and also Russian Revolution, that is on you and your own naivety or maybe something even more sinister.

I never worried why Wr holder never had to struggle with this missions because suspecting someone is cheating is the last thing you think off. He decided to become even more obvious with sub 9:30 First Dates now which just cannot be done because of the RNG and the so called skill that is envolved in them. You people don't know how hard it is to get sub 9:30. You have to play amazingly and the game has to pamper you. If you do the first thing always perfect (which you won't because hey you do mistakes no matter the skill) you will get owned most likely by the rng part.

But logic never had any place in this discussion. If it would be, Kyle would have calmly explained how he gets this consistent rng and how I can improve to get a sub 9:30.

I did the grind. It cannot be done. The RNG grind is too heavy for someone to get this consistently.

But yet again people decide to ignore me fully on this matter because believing I am just jelous seems to fit this kind of childish behavior pretty much anyone has been showing really well.

When people claim they are being bullied and there is hate in this community, you take them serious and don't just make fun of them and that makes you right.

If a very experienced player that for the whole of november and december grinded like nothing else tells you that WR and all the previous attempts just gets times you can only get if you reset runs that die to RNG like mad.

I really hate namecalling and I always make sure before I do any name calling that I lean back and do it because that person truelly deserves to be insulted.

You people are harder triggered than anything I have ever seen. If I would be this wrong, why would you care this much to defend him that badly even though you haven't even done any sort of effort to understand the speedrun and the grind and why I say it is not possible to have this consistency.

GTA games lack consistency. The runs die very often not because you played badly but because you got shit rng.

At this point I don't know what average rng would look like in gta iv because I also take into concern what happens to other people. It never happens to Kyle so that tells me a lot.

The SA has to do their own fucking investigation, otherwise calls of cheating well never go away. Do I think something is happening there? Maybe. It's already enough that anyone should look very closely.

I asked multiple people that are very adept in SA on what lelreset does is plausible and they just go up because the shit he pulls of is this insame.

If a guys comes out of nowhere with no previous pb and only claims he "grinded" a lot offline you have to look at that run really really closely.

Not because everyone doing offline runs is a cheater but because it would be so much easier.

The only reason why I post in this thread anymore is not because I expect calm answer that discuss this with manners but because many other people will read this and will not have many issues agreeing with it. I don't go for extremes. I feel sad for Kyle that he did become such a bully. That shit happened earlier than this drama that Kyle showed very little respect for me for really no reason.

He is the reason why I started speedrunning GTA IV but let me tell you he won't be the reason I will stop.

All this hatred all this name calling all this consistent "Lalalalallalalla we cannot here you, he is just better" doesn't make me back off. It actually helps to find out the truth and how far and deep this is going. It's always the usual suspect when it comes to bullying. That they also happen to be this stronlgy involved in defending an accused runner of a game they don't run nor know anything about again is a weird coincidence.

In the end when there are too many coincidence, it becomes implausible and you can make a deduction.

I was not the one who got to serious about a game. The person who got this serious that he modifies his game to get consistently good rng is one that went over the line.

I'm still amazed how in this kind of drama I had to prove my handling file is legit and use a keyboard cam because again the usual suspects used whataboutism to change the suspect.

You people don't even seem to understand the difference between dedication and seriousness. Kyle doesn't show dedication. If he would he would want to see the GTA IV speedrun develope and have its community grow. He has no interest in making a tutorial and pretends wr is all you need to watch to run this game. He hides strats and doesnt tell you about them. If you ask him (and again I did this before I even suspected any foulplay) how I can become better and save time like he does, he doesn't give you an answer that is thoughtful and makes sense. Instead he plays the superiority card and says "skill".

This is not the Kyle that made me start GTA IV speedrunning.

And again if anyone thinks after all what has happened in the recent months that this community is full of peace loving speedrunners and the bad ilias is a big bad bully, then you really don't want to lean back and look at it with a neutral way.

The only thing I know all these people that I have gained as viewers the fact that my viewers have gone up double tell me all you need to know.

And even that pisses people off because they somehow become jelous. They pretend all I do is watch only vods even though I did many attempts that I had die at Crime and Punishment and Easy Fare.

No longer. I won't take part in that grind. I have to assess without bias what good rng is for these missions.

Even if you don't like people you can still respect them for their achievement. If you are going to tell me I do not know GTA IV very well and Kyle is so much better than you just go along in the same way as people bully everywhere. It's a clique of people becoming so in love with groupthink that they don't even notice when they are out of line, because everyone else is doing it and they can't be wrong, it's the majority? The majority is never wrong.

This is the kind of thinking you need to have a community harbor bullies and I guess even worse, cheaters.

MajorLeagueMudkip これを好き
スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

And yet again people go with "I am better and you suck" and you all believe it. I like speedrunners that don't know the grind and don't know the rng believe kyle.

I will give 50€ for doing what Kyle does. Apparentely beating a 9:26 First Date is easy.

Rules? Has to be streamed, Microphone and also no frame limiter.

I have put 13 Days into any% and apparentely didn't even practice enough to get the same First Date or even anywhere close to it.

He says skill and out of nowhere people that haven't grinded the game know that he is legit and ilias is just jealous why I have to suffer constant bullying and insults (which with aboutism again is no bullying).

The GTA IV speedrun community is apparentely too small to attract any numbers.

I also like the fact that he says he covered why he always gets second van.

and also no it is not rare. It is not what happened to mawfeen. You instablow the car up. You didnt set it on fire like Mawfeen or even like myself.

To even imply I should practice more is just lol.

And S you have no say in this matter. All you do on this matter is being opposed and hostile. So how about you let this discussion be between me and kyle instead of pooping your own opinion in that "I'm just rambling".

What I say I stand by now. I know the game. I know what he does is impossible and at least it has one good thing. Kyle becomes even more cocky.

But hey apparentely it is so hard to show a stream with your keyboard and mic?

What are you afraid off? I already said if you would do it and play like magic Kyle, I will apologize and this drama is over.

I have streamed the last month GTA IV speedruns for at least 4 hours a day.

So I'm done with this. I don't think you could find a better community that would habor a cheater.

And I also like the myth that people repeat that I don't have any proof.

Even though he personally said Gold Splits First Date are 9:16 they suddenly now become 9:19 and even then are better without explanation as I use pistol strats to the extreme in Bleedout. Also he starts the timer earlier than I do.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

And btw Ryedawg I reinstalled my game just two days ago and haven't done anything anymore. This again is the perfect example of Whataboutism.

Suddenly it is not about Kyle cheating, but somehow now I'm the cheater?

And for gael I posted enough. If you haven't watched all the proof and all the shit I have highlighted i can't help you. You cannot even complain that it is hours long.

He is a sneaky cheater and it amazes me how you people don't even know the game, yet you know his play his human.

So here we go:

How about you watch the vids and then explain me calmy why I'm wrong.

And no "Kyle is better" doesn't explain it.

It does not explain how you cannot get fucked by rng. This game is an rng grind. Kyle never did that grind.

スレッド: Grand Theft Auto IV
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Because I "clearly" said it is his handling file. It was theory that I never said was the answer. And why not ask the maker of the drives premiumvision? While he is able to beat him it's because of wider drives because he knows the game instead of kyle's magic turning tighter bullshit.

But hey let's concentrate on shit i never said because clearly I never proved anything and it's literally only the handling file even do I haven't said that for 4 days now.

I guess here is evidence that even you might understand and question that have been raised but never answered.

  1. He ALWAYS gets second van. Impossible. It's rng 51%. Yet he never gets fucked by it.

  2. He never gets Easy fare'd or has other cop chases own him because they can have really shit rng

  3. His first date Goldsplits are 8 Seconds better than mine even though I use more uptodate strats and a frame limiter.

  4. He changed his timer from splitting every mission and showing miliseconds to first split being Roman's Sorrow and seconds only showing.

  5. He cannot explain how I am supposed to catch up to him? He should be able to explain how to become better and not use a magic "skill" as the excuse to play like a roboter.

  6. His traffic is much lighter than it should be even for one vehicle density. It seems doctored.

  7. His route is quite a bit slower than mine.

  8. He does outside the drives really big mistakes a person this "skilled" wouldn't do.

  9. He does drives with way too tight turns. In GTA IV you don't turn tight. You turn in a way to keep the max. speed up.

  10. He does a perfect motorcycle drive without a frame limiter or vsync yet has no spinning out issue.

  11. He never gets fucked by the physics engine and never has his car spin out of controll which is something the game does to you and you have to take it.

  12. He somehow managed to blow a car up instantly with the shot gun in 2 Shots because he somehow destroys the fuel tank? The only explanation I found was that he must have upped the damage of the shotgun.

  13. He flies the helicopter without any place for errors and says he is confident

  14. He stopped using a microphone so he can hide his cheating as I stronly suspect the keyboard presses don't happen

  15. He pretends he can't wait until he will reach sub 9:20 which just can't be because this time is under my gold splits and you better explain why you think you can reach that.

The list is very much long but hey let's ignore all of that and jump at something that Ilias said days ago without even claiming it.

And another really big one:

  1. He still won't stream with the webcam on the keyboard and the microphone being on. I asked him multiple times to do so and nothing has happened.

It's amazing to see all these non GTAiv runners have such a great opinion of the speedrun and why Kyle is so legit. He doesn't even have to do any explaining. He can just sit back and taunt and people that don't even know the game will defend him.

So if you are going to pretend this list has been answered and pick out things and misrepresent them. Even if he did change handling he would still do driving mistakes and get fucked by the game. None of that happens.

People want to believe these times. I did the grind. I can't even get there in theory.

It just amazing to see how people ignore this overwhelming evidence.

With so much you have to at least finally explain something and deliver rather than let your henchmen do the work.

I challenge ANYONE to get sub 9:30. If noone can get it no matter the grind and somehow can, it is beyond human. You cannot break the game harder than it does allow.

WoschtSam これを好き
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