スレッド: Pokémon Stadium
Victoria, AustraliaEira1 year ago

Does the NSO emulator run better tho? I thought it wasn't like the older VC and is more like using an accurate emulator, maybe I'm wrong or maybe no ones done actual tests, but that's the impression I was under.

スレッド: Advance Wars
Victoria, AustraliaEira4 years ago

Considering myself, Deln, and smbai used emulators for our run they are allowed. I used the 'Visual Boy Advanced' on PC to do my run and used a PAL ROM. I don't know if the region of the ROM gives any advantage or not.

スレッド: Super Mario Odyssey
Victoria, AustraliaEira5 years ago

I want to belive it’s possible, even when people were amazed by 1:10 I was thinking sub 1 would happen one day. You can look back at the start of this thread with people saying 1:03 is a maybe or that 1:02 won’t happen for a few years, but the record is in 1:02 I think it’ll happen eventually even without any more MAJOR glitches, just more time saves and optimisations.

スレッド: HuniePop
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

As far as I can tell that's allowed but you're bascially giving up a good time and a good record, I'd just restart the entire run and timing after a failed date. You defiantly won't get a good time.

スレッド: HuniePop
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

I also use AutoHotKey since I just find Joytokey really confusing and I couldn't figure out how to get it to work for the life of me. It's not hard to set Authotkey up and I'd reccomend it since it's super easy and simple, also thanks for showing me how to cancel the script, I didn't know I could do that so I'd just switch between a Huniepop script and restore script that scripts the keys to their orginal binding.

スレッド: Sakura Spirit
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

Then use those and get world record, I look forward to seeing it, congratulations on finding an exploit.

スレッド: Sakura Spirit
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

If there's no point then stop caring lol, this makes it more fair by forcing everyone to be at a set baseline, I also lost time due to having to record higher but since everyone does it's still fair.

スレッド: Sakura Spirit
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

It's a real game that real people made with the hopes of making money, it may of though tits but they also told a story and it should be taken seriously since these are legit leaderboards who determin who is the best at it.

スレッド: Fire Emblem Warriors
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

Yer, might be a good idea so people have something to work towards and dicuss while we try to figure out a route for the entire game.

Ivanzypher これを好き
スレッド: Sakura Spirit
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

I bought it and many other Sakura games via the recent Humble Bundle.

スレッド: Advance Wars
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

Bu you can set it up outside of starting the campaign, it almost like completing the game the first time before doing a NG+ run or messing around with the options to make text fast or something like that, it can be done before the start the games campaign itself, that's the main justification I have for why it could be removed.

スレッド: Advance Wars
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

Are you saying you won't remove the glitch set up from the timer becuase you feel there needs to be RNG in a speedrun of a game, cause otherwise that response doesn't count as a reason and if that is the reason, then that's just ridiculous.

But I'll respect the decision since it not like I can do anything about it anyway, but I'd like a bit more clarity on why the glitch being set up must be timed and part of the run.

スレッド: Advance Wars
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

Okay person who's never run this game before. I'm not trying to whine it away, I wouldn't run the game if it botherd me that much I'm saying this for a few very specific reasons, the first being that by removing a small part at the start we can remove all of the RNG which makes the game more fun to run.

Secondly it's just setting up a glitch and outside of starting the campaign at that. So it's actually not that crazy to just say you start when you start the campaign it's also - as I said - right at the start of the run and multiple aspects are based off RNG all of which if go bad for you are impossible to recover from and you must restart.

It's not that crazy to remove a small section at the start to make the timer start at a more reasonable and easy to understand place while also eliminating RNG and getting rid of multiple early resets even if you have perfect execution, RNG doesn't have to exsist in all speedruns.

スレッド: Advance Wars
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

Can't we just start the timer when we start the campaign, do we really need setting up the glitch to be timed. Yes I understand that it does take time and there is some skill involved but it makes the early part of the run way too reset heavy, for instance if the battleship in the tutorial gets a bad roll and you bring the rockets down to only 3 health then you have to sit through 3 extra animations overall so you just reset. If you fail to destroy the submarine up top then you have to make an extra movement and move away from fire when you go to drop the t-Coppter. Plus if you get a map in the design map that starts you on the water then you have to make too many extra movements and thus usually restart or end up rather far behind.

The entire campaign doesn't have any of this as we just make the enemy yield right away and thus it's all just good menuing skills at that point. It becomes pure skill and removes the multiple RNG aspects all of which can cause resets or make a run fall behind from one that gets good RNG.

I'm not just saying this to instantly take the WR but becuase I've done over 100 runs in the past few weeks and setting the glitch up with a good time is ridiculously frustrating since sometimes you can go 3 runs in a row and have to reset simply becuase of bad RNG.

I suggest that we change the timer start time to when you select to start a new campaign, there's no real point to keeping that extra part when it's so RNG dependent. It would make the game way more fun to run.

スレッド: Splatoon 2
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

I assume you're using an imgur link, that's the problem, if you upload the image to your Google drive and use that as a link then it will work fine. The website only notices that imgur links are not video links, and it's just to do with how the entire site is formatted since it does that check for every game even if screenshots are allowed. Just use a drive link or do what I use to do and put the imgur link in the description or split ID section and leave a single dot in the video link. Either or those have worked for me in the past. But I reccomend just switching over to using Google drive to upload your runs.

Wheaty++ これを好き
スレッド: Splatoon 2
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

so this just happened for octogalaxy but I've seen it on a few other levels, where there are WR times that have been done since the rule change that don't use videos. just images and have taken the top times. I don't understand why this is allowed to happen, I know the point of changing it was mainly to lighten the work load of the mods but they should really look into the WR times to at least make sure they're actually using videos, becuase this has happened multiple times and I feel like the mods just don't care about ILs despite blatant rule breaking taking place.

jazZ_danN, Wheaty++ そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Splatoon 2
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

WRs do still need to be verified I'm pretty sure, Tones said on stream that this is why IL need video proof for WR now and that WR things will be verified but anything else doesn't need too cause it's just too busy otherwise, he said that one day he woke up to over 60 runs needing verification.

スレッド: Splatoon 2
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

The video link is where you post the image link, it's just the way the site is formatted. If you use an imgur link it will get mad at you so I use a drive link. If you must use imgur put it in the split ID and then just a dot in the video link will let you submit.

Wheaty++ そして Phoxorde これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

Oh you don't have to worry, I defiantly plan on getting a capture device as soon as I can afford one, it's just that I was curious if I can submit before that or if I'd have to wait for once I have a capture card, I understand the need for quality that's why I asked after all.

Oxknifer そして 607 これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Victoria, AustraliaEira6 years ago

Thansk, I will be using a stand I was just concerned about the quality.

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