6 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I've been very inactive for this game because of moving houses but soon I will be getting a laptop and it is gonna be amazing. I wonder about the glitch% and if there are any strats found as I will soon be playing it :) I cannot wait to get back into this game!


I've been inactive too cos I've had a lot going on! I haven't actually tried speedrunning it as glitched as possible yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing anything you find ;P It should feel VERY different to playing it normally! I have no idea how the ai will start to act if you crank up the fps but I'm sure it'll be ridiculous. I'll be trying it myself too, as well as improving my Easy% time (I'm sure I can get sub-30 if I go hard enough!)

Massachusetts, USA

I'm sure I could get sub 40 if I ran on emulator because its more convenient to record those runs! Maybe if we doubled the speed and unlocked the framerate ????

Massachusetts, USA

Wicked excited to start up again... Also I think imma grab that hard% wr soon finally

投稿日 5 years ago
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投稿日 5 years ago
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投稿日 6 years ago
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投稿日 6 years ago
投稿日 6 years ago