Steam v GOG Performance
1 year ago
United States

Hey guys! So, ever since dropping my CPU Cycles to 150000, the game performs ATROCIOUSLY, even on the lowest resolution option. I have the Steam version. Is this likely the reason? Is there anything I can be doing differently or would you just recommend getting the GOG version? Thanks for any help!

New York City, NY, USA

The required batch file included certain fixes specifically for the GOG version to improve the performance while only modified the steam version's clock cycle. I have both versions and the GOG performs much better post-patch. Unfortunately there isnt any approved methods to improve the steam version for the time being afaik. The steam version is also running on an older version of dosbox which might contribute to the poorer performance

Ecgtheow そして Artemis これを好き
United States

Ahh right, I forgot Chronos said the improvements were only on the GOG side. Perhaps I'll buy it again for GOG. Thanks!

IvanderLatidjan これを好き
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