New “Boss Rush” category: (Boss Blitz)
3 years ago
United States

Hello again, FORCES Moderators!

Me and some other top runners were discussing the possibility on there being an addition of a “Boss Rush” category to the game. We have been scowering through the entire list of ideas as well as the forums for category extensions and among them, one that stood out to many of us was “Boss Blitz”.

For “Boss Blitz”, the rules are simple: One would have to complete all the boss stages in the game (order does not matter) including “Red Gate Bridge” since Metal Sonic resides there and is indeed considered a boss fight in the eyes of many. Run is NOT to be segmented. The run would also be done on a completed save file (of course) and finally, all times shall be recorded via the in-game timers for each individual stage.

Boss Blitz | Rule Summary:

• Game% | NG+ (Non-segmented)

• Stages included | All bosses in no particular order including “Red Gate Bridge”

• Timing Method | In-game time (IGT).

Ryan and I have already recorded runs for this new category and we are currently waiting for one more person that has yet to record a run but will soon however, I’ve provided a link to my own run as well as Ryan’s run below for future reference in further discussion.

All in all, I really do hope this category does end up getting added because if I’m honest; In the end, I actually had quite a lot of fun recording a run for this category (albeit this fun being mingled with some pain). I also feel like the run is short, sweet, and to the point and I really do feel that this category idea would make for some very good competition!

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
supersysscvi そして Nuh_Ozkartal これを好き
New York, USA

So, Cyd responded to me in one of the private mod-only channels in the speedrun community server, and we agreed about this category suggestion: Essentially we want to see more example runs - preferably at least 2 or so more. The bosses are some of the least interesting parts of the game, and we want to see genuine confident interest. I don't expect to see too many other people interested in this.

I get this is brought up a lot, but the other main point is the worry that you all will lose interest in the category not long after it's made. We don't want to yet again fill the board with more categories that will either be empty, or get submitted to a few times, then completely die after a week or two.

josuray そして Manic07925 これを好き