Possible Emulator Category?
9 months ago
United States

I know emulators aren't allowed in the official runs, but could we create an emulator only category? I've been streaming speed runs of this game, but I don't have any other way to play this game than to play on an emulator...It makes it impossible to speedrun unless you have enough money to buy a copy, which is crazy when they're going for over $200 on Amazon right now. This is limiting the community from getting any bigger, and as a recent fan of this game, I would love to have a place to compare my times to someone else's.

編集者 投稿者 9 months ago
Tennessee, USA
She/Her, They/Them
9 months ago

Emulators used to be allowed whenever I first started running, but they have since been banned. Hopefully they create an emulator only category, or maybe allow them on the main board but default to hide them?

United States

Really? I had no idea...Honestly it'd be really nice to have anything, you know? I just want to see what other people can do!


I'd find it very good as well. I don't know how it could become a thing but an emulator category would make things easier. I get why it couldn't be on the main leaderboard but please someone make it happen <3

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