How to Run Gates to Infinity
How to Run Gates to Infinity
更新済み 5 years ago 投稿者: MozzarellaCheez

For Cheez's more detailed notes that use better strats, check out this document:

(Below is an old parody guide)

  • Have a chip clip ready to be clamped onto your B button during cutscenes.

  • Pick Axew as the leader, and Pikachu as the partner.

  • Hold Y during fights to skip move animations.

  • Enter these Wondermail Codes after your first (of many) Ragged Mountain visit(s): NTSC------------------------Item-----------------------PAL 2C3YJ43F--------All Protect Orbs x5------------Q858FWH2 JTN34N92------------Joy Seed x1-----------------FXT4NX7N KQ5ST45X---------Reviver Seed x3-------------9H6R9QSS

  • Dual Chop literally everything once you learn it.

  • Do a Ragged Mountain mission on every mission day. Make them outlaw missions if possible.

  • Use an All Protect Orb on every boss fight where you get a million partners.

  • Use Pure Seeds on floors with weather conditions.

  • Use items / Team Attack when you're getting owned.

  • Use your two Joy Seeds when you hit Lv30 so you can get Dragon Dance (plot gives you a Joy Seed at some point).

Congratulations, if you know how to play the game, you read this, and you are willing to record/stream a 3ds game for nine hours straight, you are ready to run the game!
