All awards and obelisks category
2 years ago
South Australia, Australia


I am thinking of attempting the new category, but am wondering how it works when some of the awards are mutually exclusive. For example, if you do path of light you can't get the path of darkness ones? Similarly the "fort riverstride and Lorean Steele" quests give awards, with different ones depending on if you do the 'real' or 'fake' versions.

Is there a list of what constitutes "all awards"?

At least I can confirm that completing the optional 'steal the tapestry' quest (if you accept Malwicks deal for the wand and do the follow-up quest) does NOT give an award, so you don't need to do that.

Kind Regards.


I actually added the category accidentally. Someone asked me to set up all awards for 8 but I did it for 7 instead, then figured it might as well stay.

That said, the rules are definitely up for discussion. The simplest would be to just do what you can on either light or dark side. Alternatively you could save before choosing a side and then do both sides in one sitting.

投稿日 2 years ago
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