NEW category
1 year ago

どんな状況でもいいのでゲームをクリアする 現在の状況

Kentucky, USA

I'm confused on how this works. Is this the practice mode taking you to the Final stage in order to allow you to practice the block configuration selected?

raids_shine これを好き
Kentucky, USA

I have added this as a new category. I called it "Any% w/ Warps". Is that an acceptable name?

raids_shine これを好き


That's cool.

CaneofPacci これを好き

It's better to add new category "Original Mode". In this mode you can create your own puzzles. In original mode changing puzzles is too long. Because there are 17 different sizes of puzzles in this game. And there are 200 different puzzles for every size (it's called group: from number 0 to number 199). But it's good we have options "Copy", "Paste".

raids_shine これを好き
Kentucky, USA

I went ahead and added Original Mode as a Misc category. Let me know if I should adjust anything.


It's better to make it a main category, like Any% and Any% w/Warp.

raids_shine これを好き

In theory, it was possible, of course, to create another category “Open all characters”. But in my opinion, this is stupid, because the other characters are no different from Eliot, and the endings with these characters are absolutely the same. Of course, in order to unlock the Spike character you need not only to beat the game, but also to gain 400 IQ. But the gameplay in Normal Mode will be essentially the same. Therefore, it is better not to fool your head and simply not add this category.

It’s better to have only 3 categories: Any%, Any% w/Warp, Original Mode.

In general, I don’t like it when there are many categories in a game.

raids_shine そして CaneofPacci これを好き
削除者 投稿者
削除者 投稿者

I suppose, this category shouldn't be in this game. And warps should be removed.


To my mind, only two categories should be in this game:

  1. Any% (from 1st stage to final stage). It's main category as always.

  2. Original mode.

"Any% w/Warp" category should be removed. Of course, we have quick access to the final stage, but I think this category is pointless.

And don't add "Max%" category. If this category is missing from the I.Q Final, it shouldn't be here.

And what about timing? If time starts from "1st stage" screen in I.Q Final, it should be in this game too.

But, decide for yourself, admin :)

I think too about “Max%“. I was insane.

I didn't think time start.

But I think “Any% w/warp“ is “reach as quickly ending.(Access to the final stage, ACE, or other glitch can use.)“


But I've already said my opinion. If "Any% w/Warp" isn't in I.Q Final, it shouldn't be in Intelligent Qube. In fact, we are in the final stage, we have the same puzzle.

I think “Any% w/warp“ is max out.

On PS2(disk speed: fast), 53s can't reach.

Others, 54s can't reach.

If new challenger of “Any% w/ warp“ don't appear, this category should be removed.

編集者 投稿者 5 months ago
Kentucky, USA

I moved it into the Misc tab for now, but I guess since only you two run it, I can just delete it. Just wanted to double check before I do so.

編集者 投稿者 5 months ago
raids_shine これを好き

Unfortnitely, I get a new record of any% w/ warp.

I don't hope this category come back again.

But I find new challenger' s video.

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