The Walking Dead
6 years ago

Hi IoG-community!

Has anyone ever walked around with zero health and potentially found some use for it?

Accidentally happened to me when I got the second Rama-statue in Mu (usual Any%-route). I got hit by an enemy and then by another one while I was still in the "receive damage"-animation. As you'll know that causes the registration of the second chunk of damage to be delayed.

In between those hits I opened the chest and got the statue. My health went to zero while the epic music came through and it took me to zero health. However, when the textbox disappeared, I didn't die. I could not WALK around - the animation went, but I walked on the spot. Instead, I was able to move around by jumpslashes and slides. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do anything helpful with it, since the game wouldn't let me walk down stairs in that state, so I was trapped.

Did this happen to anybody else before? Did someone experiment with it? It might be interesting to check whether it's replicable and to try it out in areas where you can leave the room without using stairs and such. Didn't get the time to try this yet.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

This happened to me once at that exact spot, and also once as I was opening the 4th orb chest in Sky Garden. I'm surprised it happened to you since it seems to be extremely rare. So rare that I never managed to reproduce it on purpose, even with frame advance. As far as I know, there's no use for it, but we'd need to be able to actually reproduce it to be able to test it. I don't think it would be very useful though because I suspect it has the same properties as the invincibility glitch we use: it would wear off when entering a new room, and you would die instantly. However, it's still worth some effort to replicate and study this glitch. Maybe it could be useful after all?

Lysergo これを好き

No way - that happened to me even before I attempted the first entire playthrough. I never knew what a rare gem I stumbled upon there. :-) So you were "trapped" in Sky Garden, too? Was it because you couldn't jump down ledges or because you were Freedan at that point and, hence, unable to move?

I totally see what you are saying and your prediction would be probably my best guess as well. On the other hand, the status already has some unexpected properties - what with running on a spot and all. Something totally crazy could happen once a transition in another room is made. It might be worth some effort.

投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 6 years ago
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