"New Account to Diamond" Speedrun Category
2 years ago
Arizona, USA

Hello y'all,

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and have a great New Years! I was wondering if it would be possible to add a speedrun to diamond category, kinda like how Diffensive did it; the timer would start when you first que for ranked on a BRAND NEW account, and the timer would end when you return to the lobby after getting diamond. I did a test run today, and it was sub 3 hour. Let me know what you think!

Ontario, Canada

Hi M0chi!

Happy New Years! and Happy Holidays to you as well. But unfortunately this cannot be added to the official leaderboards on speedrun.com because it goes against official rules of the website for many reasons. This community of ours isn't about breaking rules.

But we do have a solution to all these runs that cannot be on speedrun.com and that's found in our Discord. We have a section in The Official Brawlhalla Speedrunning Discord Server, I happen to be the moderator of said section and we call that : The Unofficial Leaderboards. Currently we have only one attempt registered for Diamond% and I'd be glad to add your run to it as well.

Hopefully this helps answer your question and most importantly, I can't wait to see you in the Discord!

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