8 years ago
North Carolina, USA

If any mods are around I was wondering if runs on emulators were allowed for leaderboard submissions. I could see why they wouldn't be but if they were they could possibly be faster and it would be easier to run and stream.


This is something I've been interested to know as well as I'm not going to bother learning the route for this game (or the other burnout games) on an emulator only to find out that it's disallowed.

North Carolina, USA

As far as I can guess from what experimenting I've done on the gamecube and on emulator, the routes should be the same. I am concerned about completing and submitting a run only to find that they aren't allowed although there is a box to tick for emulators when you submit a run and I've noticed that box isn't there for other games.


Oh, I see what you mean, I just looked at other games that have emulators banned (Kingdom hearts) and the box is replaced with "emulators are banned" so I'm going to take that as it is allowed for Burnout since what isn't banned...must be allowed right? I think I'm going to have fun seeing how much I suck at this game :D

North Carolina, USA

If you ever want to race a category, hit me up and i might make an srl account. It's exciting to see someone else interested in running alive on this page


Let me at least see how much I suck first and I'll get back to you :D


Okay, I guess we can play sometime.

North Carolina, USA

sweet ill figure out how to use the irc and ill contact you for a race sometime


I've never done any emulator tests. I've only ever ran on the wii/actual gamecube.

North Carolina, USA

Theoretically, load times could be much better on emulator but the appeal for me is mostly convenience. I'll do some testing this weekend.

United States

I got my capture card last week and this is what I noticed.

On my computer Dolphin 5.0 is faster in the menu, but has lag spikes during races. Any races with precipitation (mainly snow) will cause the emulator to run in slow motion. The Crystal Summit race in the Street Storm Grand Prix cannot be run on emulator due to snow effects making the game borderline unplayable.

I don't think emulators give much of an advantage, if anything they're slower, at least on my computer.

North Carolina, USA

what capture card did you get? mine is old and doesnt even work natively with obs and im looking to get a new one.

United States

GV-USB2, works fine as a cheap standard def card on OBS. It is in Japanese so you'll need to use a guide to install the driver.


@simpleton216 I tested the lag issues that you experienced to see how it went on my computer. You're right, the fps will drop from 60 down to 40 with no way of fixing the issue causing the game to slow-down so I don't think the 100% run is really possible on emulator due to this.


@simpleton216 I need to get into contact you to discuss something, how would I go about doing it without staying up late where you may or may not be streaming?

United States

You can find my Steam account under the same name as here.


Okay guys, I recently did an attempt at the 100% run using an emulator after getting the emulator to finally work on the snowy levels. This was my first time playing the game in 6 months so obviously I was pretty bad to begin with and my pace really picked up in the middle of the speedrun to beat the current WR time.

What concerns me though, is the massive difference in split times, between my times and Simpleton's. I haven't watched his run the entire way though, but I noticed that he had a much better start than me (which isn't surprising since mine was horrendous with my rustiness) yet I was still ahead on splits. So I did some digging and made a spreadsheet which includes ONLY the race completion times, so no loading/saving/menuing and it shows clearly that he was faster than me during these first splits, but although he manages to get upto a minute ahead in reality, on the split timings I never really fall behind. So obviously I'm really concerned about uploading the VOD as although I still win based on raw lap times, it wouldn't be fair competition.

During simpleton's run, does anyone think he is particularly slow during the menus to lose him a bunch of time per split? I know that he used a memory card, which accounts for some of the lost time thanks to @theottergods research but not enough to account for these split times.

Here is a link to the spreadsheets showing the difference of race times vs split times. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zHiNRplojrsZPcquyoXpyLiWGvGOpgs-L9np3ieQXgw/edit?usp=sharing

United States

I just wanted to give my opinion on this. If Dolphin is giving too much of an advantage, I don't think we should ban emulators. I looked up online the cost of a Burnout 2 disc since it isn't available for download and there aren't many for sale on Amazon some copies are 90+ USD. If the game is too hard to get irl then I think emulators should still be allowed so more people can run if they want to, but note that there is an advantage. Unless we can confirm that MissinYew is just really awesome and my Gamecube was just slow.

Or we just use the in game race timer and we write down the time after each race and submit only those.

North Carolina, USA

or if we're too lazy for that we can just time all the runs with the in game time it gives you under Records>View Profile>Total Time. This time includes menu time but i dont know about load times. However, this does make it a pretty reliable and realistic timer that i wouldnt be opposed to using as the official run time.

North Carolina, USA

a side note--the records tab is not available until after you finish offensive driving 101 but the timer is counting (im guessing from the time you get to the menu screen; i doubt it starts at console on). i checked by completing offensive driving 101 and looking at the timer and it had like 6 minutes on it.

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