discussione: Quake
United Statestangy8 years ago

Just another quick question, how would I upload a demo to youtube? Do you guys just press your record key at the same time as you start the demo? I was thinking there was a way to get it more exact than that, but there may not be.

This is for my future reference.

discussione: Quake
United Statestangy8 years ago

Alright thank you, that makes a lot of sense. I figured the command was something like that, I was using bind t "map start; wait; wait; wait; record thon" but yours makes sense. I tried doing that but I was putting map start instead of just start, thank you. And to record just one level, you would just modify the command to have the level name instead of start, correct?

Would this run be classifed as rta, just to be sure? I always figured this run was the standard, but I am assuming not since he reloads a few times.

7:05 to be exact.

discussione: Quake
United Statestangy8 years ago

I'm also curious about a bind people use to reset the map. I see streamers mess up on the map in a marathon, and then load it back up from the beginning again? What would the bind be to do that?

Also, should I start the marathon run on a map (e1m1) or on map start? What is the difference between in-game and real-time? When should I start the record command as well, I am confused.

Edit: I found out how to do all this except for the difference between in-game and real-time, still do not know about the first post though.

discussione: Quake
United Statestangy8 years ago

So I have recently wanted to start running this game, and I am interested in doing a marathon. I noticed that the demo does not go beyond 1 map, so I guess you have to compile it. I have the demtool and the compile zip that came with qdqstats, and it's all in one folder. Problem is, it says there is nothing on my pc to open it. I also noticed something along the lines of it saying it is not compatible with windows 64 bit?

I have windows 10 64 bit, joequake and all that. Is there an updated version or am I just doing it wrong?

discussione: Speedrunning
United Statestangy8 years ago

Alright cool, I'll do that.

Edit: Actually, it's been inactive for months, I'm not sure if my question would be answered. The program itself applies to almost all games, so if someone knows how to do it with their game they could just tell me how they did that?

discussione: Speedrunning
United Statestangy8 years ago


So I have been wanting to speedrun quake 1 for a while but I could not because of negative acceleration.

I downloaded rinput.exe and it works. The only issue is that whenever I quit joequake, the client I use for quake, and open it again it does not automatically inject, and it is a pain to have to open the console, type in the exe every time I want to play.

Does anyone know how to automatically get the rinput.exe to inject onto joequake-gl.exe whenever I open it? I have a feeling it has something to do with launch options.

Also not sure if this is the correct section, sorry.

Info su tangy
8 years ago
7 years ago