discussione: My Summer Car
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

This game got new official update today. I might try speedrun this soon(Rally race speedrun) after I've learned how to do wiring, distributor tuning etc on the car.

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discussione: My Summer Car
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

When we could still use garage tires to pass inspection and rally was only 1stage my rally race speedrun took 4h 15min (not winning the rally).

  • Getting new road tires on the garage rims is extra 1day in game(maybe 30-60min real time)

  • Rally on sat+sun (2 stages) is 1day more too(maybe 30-60min real time).

  • With a Monday start u might not have enough time to do everything by the 1st saturday, and if u miss 1st rally opportunity then passing 1week in game takes like 50-70min real time.

So if there's no way to be ready for the 1st Saturday (with Monday start) then whole Rally Race speedrun (not even winning it) could take minimum of like 6 hours (maybe from 5h 30min to 6h 30min, but idk for sure it could take even longer like 7-8h).

And to win rally event might require multiple attempts on both stages. Car without any tuning parts is quite slow and u don't have time to do extra works for dual carbs etc if u want to make it by the 1st Saturday(if that's even possible). To win rally u need to do stages in under 5min 25s to win fastest AI.

And then that game might still have glitched weekdays where u can just lose 1day(character slept like over 24hours) or when weekday doesn't change(this could be useful though to make it by the 1st Saturday)

And when wiring-update comes building the car will take longer time even when u know what's your doing(idk how much longer but u need to install over 20 of them)

discussione: My Summer Car
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

Fuel prices are not an issue, I could just skip to pay it all together if I wanted to (not even sure if saved money would allow me to skip one sewage job, if it doesn't allow me skip something then it's just the same to pay for the fuel).

edit: actually it could allow me to skip one sewage job if I do 3 junk cars+3 sewage jobs route, but I have to check money situation Checked this and yes it allows me to skip 1sewage job if I dont pay for the fuel, so it's at least 2minute time save there.

My runs are not that optimized anyways when this isn't even a category. Coming updates can change in game schedule dramatically so it's not worth optimizing it yet.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

^What about jumpstart? Will restart after that cause some kind of time add to your IGT? I'm not sure if accumulated time is big enough as 10s penalty for a jump start which u normally get added to stage time.

In the game timer start to run at GO after 5s countdown. If u jumpstart the timer starts to run immediately. Le'ts say u jump start when countdown is at 1 and then u take restart. After that there's video of car closing to the start line again and after u hold handbrake the countdown starts from 5. How much that will add to IGT, will it be less than 10s?

If accumulated time isn't big enough(not sure how it works it that situation) a jump start+restart after that should give 10s added to IGT so it won't even worth to do a restart. If u set On-Screen-Messages ON in the game settings it will also show jumpstart message on the screen.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

Here's 2010s Monaco run with extra information

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

But will no restarts at all rule scare people off so they don't want to run this game then? Is it too strict for some not so good runners? Current leaderboard is quite empty for some locations so I don't mind if there was runs even with Restart time penalties in them (they would be easily beatable, but if it brings more runs than No Restarts rule then it's just fine).

In some locations like Monaco it's very easy to get DNF by just going of the snowbank/rock barriers, like u miss braking by 3meters/10feet or less and car can slide over the bank/barrier into DNF (also in Greece u can get DNF by going off the cliff in Perasma Platani/Thiristra Thea stage +short versions of it) so I was thinking will No Restarts at all -rule cause that people don't want to drive Monaco at all maybe (I was able to do Monaco 2010s IGT speedrun recently without restarts recently but on the other hand I've over 900h in this game so it's quite easy for me, but I did have some close calls on my run). In other locations u can also get DNF but only by crashing very hard into objects(trees,cars,poles,rocks etc) or if certain parts on the car wear out and break completely (at least engine or transmission or suspension or wheels failures will give dnf).

I don't mind No Restarts -rule if we decide to go with it.

edit: I could post that my recent Monaco 2010s all stages IGT run with stage start->finish (stage time) information in the description so u can see how it would look and if Restart use is easy to check/verify. For me adding that information is maybe 30-60min job after the run but I don't mind doing it because usually these speedruns are so tiring that I can only do like couple of them per week max.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

Time Penalty would be max 5minutes per stage (meaning u can restart stage how many times u want to), like if u take 1 or more restarts on every stage(12stages) it will give 60min of penalty time on top the IGT.

Speedrunner would be person who will add penalty time on top of his/her IGT time, he/she would also have to mention the stages where restarts were used. There just needs to be permanent ban+legit runs removed -punishment for those persons who try to cheat with this (trying to add runs with wrong amount of time penalty on IGT if they took restarts and get caught at some point).

That's why I mentioned that u have to add every stage start and end time(+stage time) from the VOD to description so checking possible use of Restarts can be done more easily (u can go back from stage start to see transit from previous stage or from car service, and u can compare stage start and end and stage time to verify that there's no time to even use restarts.

Like this: 1st stage 0:50 -> 4:20 (3:30.24)

and explanation: 0:50 means start(end of the countdown) of the stage on the VOD, u can go back on the vod to verify that transit from previous stage or menu was free from restarts 4:20 is end of the stage on the VOD (moment u crossed the finish line) (3:30.24) is the stage time and u can easily see that gap between stage start and end on the VOD is also 3:30:?? so there's no time to even use restart, even restart immediately after a jump start(which adds 10s to stage time) would make VOD gap at least 5-10s longer than stage time.

Not mentioned Restart after jump start could look something like this if someone is trying to cheat 0:50 -> 4:30 (3:30.24), and u can see that start->end gap is 3:40:??, but stage time is 3:30.24 so there's something weird in this one if speedrunner didn't mention restart taken on this stage. If runner had finished stage after the jump start in legit way written description for the stage would've looked like this 0:50 -> 4:30 (3:40.24).

Writing stage start->end, stage time on VOD description is little bit extra work for speedrunner but it makes checking use of restarts easier. With IGT u are in no hurry after the stage so u have time to write down your stage time and if u used restart. After the run u make highlight/vod of the run and from it write down start and end times of the stages.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

^Yeah it wont be a good time with penalties and is easily beatable but at least there will be a run on the leaderboards which others can try to beat and which u can then improve later by just doing run without restarts. It can happen that u get DNF on the very last stage(like in Monaco it's very easy to dnf) and the whole run is all wasted and it can't be on the leaderboard if restarts are not allowed at all. It can't be abused for hotlapping purposes either when there's time penalty. I was also thinking if no restarts at all-rule is too strict for not so good players/speedrunners in this game so they are turned off by that and don't want to speedrun this game then.

Time penalty could be 5minutes per stage for taking restart which is easier to count and add on the IGT.

But no restarts allowed at all works for me if penalty time thing sounds too complicated.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

Or maybe restarts are allowed in a case of DNF or puncture etc, but every use of it will give 3minute time penalty added to IGT so it can't be abused. For this u have to mention how many times u used restart in that run so correct amount of penalty time can be added to IGT. Cheat attempts (for example trying to pass a run with 2 restarts in it and only saying 1 restart was used) on this will eventually lead to permanent ban and so on.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

By both categories I meant if there will be separate IGT without restarts and RTA categories

But having only IGT No Restarts -category is best imo and fairest, differences(especially loading times) between hardware and platform is removed and No Restarts allowed means u have to be fast and consistent.

No Restarts means that u can't use it at all between 1-12 stages, for example if u crash the car on the 12th stage into DNF u can't restart that stage, but u have to abandon that whole run and start a completely new run from car selection menu again or if u take a jumpstart that gives 10s time penalty and which is added to your stage time(and IGT / Total Time) u can't restart the stage to take that penalty away.

VOD should start in the car selection so car can be easily verified and that all 12 different stages are selected. Checking that there's no restarts used will take time because VODs can possibly be slightly longer too when u are in no hurry in car service menu for example(u can more carefully choose what u gonna reapir on the car and how much or u can change car setup little etc when in RTA u had to do it quickest way possible in menus to lose least time). Maybe stage start and end times on the VOD should be provided so it can be more easily verified that restarts where not used. It's little bit extra work though for runners, but maybe u have to only do it couple times for few first runs and after that u can be trusted more (and proper penalties given will stop most people for trying to cheat also).

To prevent possible cheaters there should a proper penalty given after one warning. Like if u try to add a run with restarts used (after that one warning) it should result in a permanent ban and previous even legit runs will get removed too.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

IGT without restarts works best for me. I will start those runs at car selection screen so they can be used in both categories.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

There's thread where I asked about Jumpstarts in RTA and there Larathen(when he was moderating) says it's not allowed so I haven't used them. So now they're allowed?

edit: I didn't even want to make jumpstarts because if I get new personal best times(for the global leaderboard) on the speedrun then those stage times would have 10s time penalty included.

But checking that there's no jumpstarts is time consuming, that's why I originally asked then if they're allowed because u can save time in RTA with them.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

Yeah RTA is not fair for console users because loading times with them are like 25-30s. On higher end pc they're under 15s so it makes a lot over 12 stages.

Then again using only In Game Time would mean u can restart every stage unlimited amount and just hotlap them until u are satisfied with the times. If only IGT is used then maybe there should be a rule for that it's not allowed to restart stages , but this would be time consuming to verify. But who would want to watch such "speedrun" where u are hotlapping stages for maybe several hours. I would only do IGT speedruns if stage restarts are not allowed. If we settle for No Restarting 12 stages IGT (one attempt per stage) then there needs to be proper punishment for trying to add a run where restarts where used (like permanent ban+all previous legit runs would get removed too).

When u do 12 stages in custom championship or career there's No restart bonus money given to u if u haven't taken restarts (on masters level it's 25k). From that prize money breakdown it would be easy to check that restarts where not used if speedrun is based only on IGT (speedrun vod would have to then show prize money breakdown at the end). In those career/custom championships u can't choose location or stage order or weather+time of day conditions and can't have really accurate split times so it's little bit more difficult /awkward to setup for a speedrun use if u just want to do one specific location (u need to retire events until u get location u want, but time of day+weather would be random which can/will affect your stage times compared to best possible conditions).

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

Since when run has to start at car selection screen and why? There's already runs done by me(all my runs) and larathen that doesn't start there.

I set race like this, I put 12 stages in custom and then start it and choose car setup and quit main menu. Then I resume it and car setup is on so I save time.

And exactly what is considered a car selection menu? Is it the menu with all the car classes or can I be inside specific car class and start timer right before I click on the car I'm about to drive?

discussione: My Summer Car
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

Guide is updated(Dec 11th 2017), only with income & expense and some other information.

discussione: My Summer Car
Finlandkarik1346 years ago

Updated: This latest update will change run (Dec 5th 2017 update).

Not sure if there's enough time to do everything with Monday start unless u use save glitch which will prevent weekday to change, and that glitch might disappear in some future update too so then u can't even use it anymore (save game+weekday doesn't change-glitch explained: if u save before midnight the time will advance 2h in game to past 1am, but weekday doesn't change, not sure if it works everytime).

Current fastest route what I've been planning requires 3 junk cars and 4 sewages because now u have to spend more money to get the rims and tires.

Nov 19th: new pb 4h 15min 57s run with 3 junk cars +3 wells, can still get at least 3minutes or more off

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1347 years ago

These seem to vary alot.

Comparing Finland all stages RTA 2010s


  • from Resume to Menu takes 15s
  • then between 1st and 2nd stage 17s
  • after 2nd stage to service menu 17s

(In Wales 1960s same loading times were for me 10s/11s/12s)


  • from Resume to Menu 35s
  • then between 1st and 2nd stage 35s
  • after 2nd stage to service menu 35s

It means that u Larathen lose 3min 38s (20s+11x18s=218s) on 12stage RTA in Finland compared to my loading times. And even I lose around 31s to Quirkitized's loading times in Finland (3s+6x3s+5x2s=31s).

(as a comparison other players in Finland) Quirkitized

  • between two stages 14s (in Greece 10s between 1st and 2nd stage)
  • after a stage to service menu 15s Idk if Quirk has game on a ssd or are loading times few seconds shorter because he's using separate streaming pc.

random player in twitch starting an event in Finland

  • load to Menu 13s
  • between 1st and 2nd stage 20s

PS4 Pro player in Wales: load to Menu 24s in Finland: load to Menu 28s

My PC specs: game is on a sata3 HDD (WD Caviar Black 1TB), 16gb ddr4 ram, cpu: i7 6700, gpu has 3gb of memory.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1347 years ago

When you do Custom Championship u can choose all 6 events 12 stages per event. Twelve stage events will have all the stages driven once.

If u get Greece first just reset timer, start the 1st stage, pause and choose retire from the event. When u see option to continue to next event then start timer again at that point and next one might be Finland. If it isn't again just reset timer, start 1st stage->pause->retire and so on until u get to the location u want to do.

You won't able do any proper splits because order of the stages is quite random. Maybe keep a list of your individual stage times in custom event speedrun available to see if it's worth to continue run after certain amount of mistakes/time losses.

I think Finland might be only location where you actually could gain time from career engineers and specially if you're driving Group A/F2 Kit Car/R4/2000s/2010s class cars. Those more modern cars are more complicated and require skilled engineers to get them fixed.

discussione: Dirt Rally
Finlandkarik1347 years ago

If I remember correctly in custom event you don't have yuor career engineers available, but in Career or Custom Championship you do and with them cars can be repaired more. Custom Championship is more practical playmode to do it because you can retire events without level drop which happens in Career when u place 14-16th in total points at the end of the season.

All though in those playmodes time of day and weather conditions can't be chosen(it's randomized) but the ability to fix the car more can result in quicker time (specially in Finland where cars tend to get more damage). Weather conditions doesn't affect times in Greece because there's no rain, in Finland it's like couple seconds on a long stage and Wales stages are always wet, not much difference if at all in cloudy/overcast or rain conditions. Night stages shouldn't affect times that much when u know stages.

So is it allowed to do 12 stage RTA through the Career or Custom Championship?

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