discussione: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

"this person is a troll who has ran meme categories to give himself an excuse to start trouble with the community. it's been going on for quite some time, and i'm not sure why he has just recently decided to return"

1 not a troll 2 their your categories you kek. 3 I don't want to start trouble, Ive been trying to resolve this. 4 I never left, you just havent heard from me because you banned me from everything

YUMmy_Bacon5 piace questo
discussione: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

As a note: I dont just do 'meme categories' like he's complaining. (lol didn't they create those categories and Am I not allowed to participate?) I started any% about 2 weeks ago and run it avidly ;P

YUMmy_Bacon5 piace questo
discussione: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Well by this point I'm sure theyve strawmanned me to hell in that discord but best of luck :P

ALSO @Manix I was only creating multiple posts because 1 you wouldnt respond and talk this out 2 no good reasons were given and 3 it is literally my only way of communicating with you guys since youve banned me from literally everything and probably would ban me from there if you had the ability.

YUMmy_Bacon5 piace questo
discussione: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

This shows the runs that were rejected (NOTE THE 3:39 is the one I tried to submit the other day [started this mess] and did not require a video for over 3:30. Same with the 2 older times for 16% that are nowhere near a WR and are OLD RUNS that they de-verified with no reason still) and the 21:23 was one I submitted WITH video proof and It still got rejected out of spite. This one shows their brilliant reasoning. and this last one shows the "." reasoning (note "." was given as the reason for the last two 'rejections as well' FOR MY OLD AND ALREADY APPROVED RUNS. and I can supply pics of those rejections as well although its pretty much the same as that one.

YUMmy_Bacon5 piace questo
discussione: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

THATS BECAUSE THEY REMOVED MY FORUM POSTS! Kept locking them over and over. Thankyou for pointing out that I should add Social links. Will do now. Thankyou Racingmonster. The other mods also despise me (perhaps one or two that don't) Theyre all part of the in-group and I've been kicked to the curb. The discord ban was ages ago, I havent a picture (but if i tried to join would it reject me for a photo?) and I will gather the various reasons for rejection.

"could be a misunderstanding on both parts" I really wish that were so but these people have a perssonal problem with me.

Hell they removed my old runs out of spite

Anyways thankyou racingmonster for your quick and informative response. I will be sure to do those things

YUMmy_Bacon5 piace questo
discussione: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

I require some assistance. Within a game I run BFBB (spongebob battlefor bikini bottom) the leaders of the community INCLUDING the wr holder have a personal problem against me and have choosen to reject runs that otherwise comply with the Games rules and rules of submission. Granted the initial time I tried to submit I could not find the video for they rejected with the reason "probably not." (NOTE that the submission was on EMU and NOT near the cutoff that REQUIRES video) I had multiple friends submit times without videos that got approved no problem. RINGO (the moderator) was the one who initially rejected that one. THEN to top it off they decide to REMOVE my older run that had already passed verification (THAT WAS MY FIRST RUN EVER POSTED 2 MONTHS AGO AND BEFORE THEY HAD THIS VENDETTA AGAINST ME) and when I submit one of my newer times WITH video proof its rejected with no reason as well. They enter in the reason category things like "no" "just stop" or "." because they're too lazy to fill it out. If they had legitimate grounds to reject my runs and REMOVE my older one then This would be a non-issue. I'm not sure of your rules regarding moderator responsibilities and rules but surely they have stepped over some sort of line. I have tried on many occasions to get in contact with these people but they've banned me from their discord, twitters, and other social media writing me off as "just some dumb troll"

Anyway, any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for correspondence. I'd just like to be able to submit runs again without having them arbitrarily taken down out of spite.

YUMmy_Bacon5 e Really_Tall ti piace questo
discussione: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Thankyou very much

discussione: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

is there a way to report Moderators for a game misusing power on leaderboards?

discussione: Super Smash Bros.
bluewiregaming8 years ago

Digging the new additions and the Leedle categories! Gonna try some LWBDN (luigi wins by doing nothing) runs soon! Also interested in Tri if we can get a team together ;)

discussione: Super Mario 64
bluewiregaming8 years ago

If i recall correctly there is a drop down for what system your using. Something like ^platforms & emulators ^platform only ^Emulator only

Ellie piace questo
bluewiregaming8 years ago

Ohh its BBCodes. Thankyou Lighnat0r, I found that link etremely helpful!

bluewiregaming8 years ago

Thankyou Ozotuh. I appreciate the information :D

bluewiregaming8 years ago

thankyou very much for the response. I appreciate it a lot Gyoo!

(side question, do these forrums support basic html stufF? Like posting photos? I'm wondering for a guide I'm making)

bluewiregaming8 years ago
Questo commento è stato eliminato
Wasserkrieger piace questo
bluewiregaming8 years ago

I was just wondering if there is a Personal Messaging system in place on here (as earlier I could not find it) and if not how easy or hard would it be to implement such a system. Just throwing this out there as a suggestion if it does not already exist. Let me know what you think on the idea

discussione: Introductions
bluewiregaming8 years ago

This game looks really sick and quite interesting. The student run doesn't seem too hard but I'm assuming the master and grandmaster ones are. The run unfortunately is kinda lengthy so it could take a bit to get in to but I'm willing to give it a shot :) Perhaps we could race when I get good :D

Info su bluewiregaming
8 years ago
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Tyrant's Realm
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Super Mario 64: The Green Stars
Super Mario 64: The Green Stars
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