Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

This will be a thread for future suggestions. New categories, rules, mods, etc. I'll start off in the first reply.

Your suggestions should have

Suggestion title (example: 100% category), and description (example: 100% has a different route with different risks)

Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

I know that NG+ has been suggested a few times but what about a 100% run. These runs will require you to get 3 stars on all levels and collect all cogs. All levels will have to be done flawlessly, within par-time and with all coins and cogs collected. Estimated WR time after optimisations would probably be around 49 Minutes.

ItsNiklass piace questo
Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

Hello, my name is BrofessorScales. I have signed on to this website about 9 months ago. I have been speedrunning outlast for about a year and do it just for fun. I also run Leo's Fortune, I am currently grinding for the WR on that game and it is quite fun to play. I also Moderate and run Counterspy and Sound Shapes. I can run anything on PS4 and very light titles on PC (Even though I haven't done a PC run on this site yet).

I am currently 20 but have been fascinated by speedrunning for about 6-8 years. Ever since I saw the old WR for Doom II on Youtube in about 2008 or 2009 I was hooked on Speedrunning. The Idea of completing games fast has always appealed to me. my favourite games to run are in the platforming genre but when casually playing I really enjoy oldschool horror games (Anything from ObsCure to Eternal Darkness or Silent hill to Call of Cthulhu). I hope to see you in the leaderboards.


Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

My main Idea is have a video guide or some guides of the various strats ( I could handle that).

As well as having Resources available in the Resources tab (Like the APKs of the older versions of the game).

One more thing is actually quite a big thing to do that I, unfortunately can't do at the moment. That this is submitting leo's Fortune to a GDQ, NASA, or ESA Marathon. A marathon would be potentially the best way to grow the speedrunning community. I have been on and off of leo's fortune for a bit so I probably wouldn't be the best pick for a marathon any ways.

but anyways, I'd love to see other ways of growing this community we got going here.

Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

Is there a clear way to tell which platform loads Leo's Fortune levels the fastest? I notice that the Android version on an S4 and the PS4 version are really close in terms of loading.

Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

I currently have no clue. I have not altered the video other than trimming it so you don't watch 15 mins of filler.

Video :

What happened? In short, a warp glitch. I am however inexpirienced with warping and have no clue what actually caused it. I was routting a any% IL run when this happened. any help would be appreciated and I will try out some theories. Thanks guys.

For anyone wondering the game is Sound Shapes

Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

I know you guys accept screenshots but I did my run before I looked at the /leo page. So can I use a leaderboard screenshot?

Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

In this thread the Sound Shape Speedrunning community will get to know each other. I'll start.

Hi, I'm BrofessorScales. As of the Writing of this post I am currently 20 years old and live in Canada. I Speedrun on my free time and love doing it. I have 3 cats, and 8 year old computer and a lust for pain in the form of D-Cade. I love Steak, Chips/Crisps and other delicious food.

Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

First of all, if you're new here I'd like to introduce myself.

I am BrofessorScales, as of writing this forum post I am a new Sound Shapes Speedrunner and Current mod of /Sound_Shapes. I Have been speedrunning on my free time for the past 2 years. I also run Leo's Fortune and Outlast.

So if you are new you might be having trouble keeping up with Ellie's times (Mine are far too easy TBH) here are 10 tips

1.) Menus - Each menu takes up time in Album & All album runs. to make your run quicker you will have to know the menus. A set order of your levels are required to make your level faster. In all albums run it is recommended to do all albums in forward order (Starting from Hello, World) or Reverse order (Cities). After each level the results screen can take a while. so after all the levels hold “X” to speed up the counting for your notes on the results screen.

2.) Do IL Runs - Just like any game, IL runs make you faster as a speedrunner. in sound shapes however they are almost imperative. each level has different physics exploits that you have to take advantage of. each level has different cycles to keep an eye for and knowing all of them will make you better and faster as a result.

3.) Rounded platforms - Rounded platforms are the center-piece of most of the physics exploits. Since Sound Shapes is physics based to an extent your momentum carries a huge role in your speed. to increase your momentum always try jumping on the outer edge of a rounded platform. even though sometimes difficult, the technique makes for faster runs. Another technique that makes itself useful on many occasions is flinging. flinging is the acts of jumping from the bottom of the rounded platform up to the top. It could be used while climbing or speeding up jumps that would otherwise require a lift or climb of it’s own.

4.) Bouncy Platforms - These platforms are hard to predict but when you can predict them, they make great boosters. These towers could include bouncy enemies from “Hello, world” or Antenna towers from “Cities”. some of these bouncy platforms can bounce you sideways. when this happens you get a massive boost of speed. Even though some platforms (Like the Chimneys from Spiral Staircase) Can’t launch you sideways, they still provide a faster alternative to climbing a sticky surface. Great levels to try this on are “Cities”,”Invaderoids”,”Galaxanoids” and “Touch the People”.

5.) Vehicles - Even though rare, vehicles for the most part can be slow. The slow your descent, make some sections slower, and even makes you more likely to die. In some sections leaving your vehicle is the better option. In the any % run of DLC level “Hard Drive” you leave your vehicle 7 or 8 times. Leaving your vehicle can speed you up with momentum, Make descending parts like in “Spiral staircase” Faster, and can add a level of control that would better your time. but when you’re not dismounting your vehicle you still need to know how to go fast in all of them. For example. the “UFO” can go fast when you boost at an angle. the cloud from spiral staircase goes faster when you don’t hit anything, and the two DLC Vehicles are faster when you hold Square.

6.) Rhythm - This game is heavily rhythm based. it helps to feel the rhythm and use it for your timing cues. The audio cues are really important for good times and general timing of jumps, climbs and other general movement. Tapping your foot or bobbing your head might help with this if you have trouble feeling the rhythm.

7.) Cycles - Some levels like “Hills n’ Spills” Are heavily cycle based. cycles are a set motion that occurs repeatedly with specific timing windows. and getting the correct cycles are crucial for IL runs. You could miss important timing cues and certain corner jumps just by having the wrong cycle.

8.) Staying alive - this might seem obvious but dying wastes time. so practice the levels and learn how not to die during difficult parts. This is especially useful for albums like beyonder and D-Cade.

9.) Communication - Talking to other runners is an amazing thing to do because you can share strats, give tips and make friends whist beating their records. This could make Sound Shapes a really competitive game to speedrun in the future.

10.) Get used to resetting - With the cycle heavy nature and the easiness to mess up. Resetting in IL and Album runs are a given. some runs will take more that 100 Resets. (Ellie’s run of hills n’ spills took about 200 resets, my any% run of spiral staircase took about 300). Some levels are more cycle dependent than other. some have more red deaths clips. and some are so long that losing time is the easiest thing about that level. No matter the reason Resetting is the best way to temporarily rid yourself of all complications of the current run and try again.

GLOSSARY IL - Individual Level Any% - A type of speedrun that has the least restrictions. any strats are usable. strats - Strategies. Often used in context of a certain part of a speedrun. D-Cade - Pure Pain

Alberta, CanadaBrofessorScales8 years ago

So this run was quite fun to do. I quite enjoyed doing it and the run it's self is pretty solid especially since I used one hand. Can this be a new Category type (One-Handed)?

SuperHyper_ piace questo
Info su BrofessorScales
9 years ago
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Leo's Fortune
Leo's Fortune
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Sound Shapes
Sound Shapes
Ultima corsa 7 years ago
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Phantom Abyss
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House of Caravan
House of Caravan
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Sound Shapes
Sound Shapes
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Sound Shapes
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Hamsterball (PS3)
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DROD Architects' Edition
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