2 months ago

Is running on PS3 early model or PS2 added some loading time shortening functions (SSD or HDD) is allowed? (I don't know about the system of loading in this game very well)


・Concerning PS3 early model

At present, there is almost no information about the loading time on PS3 early model.

But as long as using optical disc drive, it will make no big difference compared to PS2, I guess.

So provisionally, runs on PS3 early model are treated the same as on PS2.

In the future, if the difference turn out to be critical, i will add PS3 to the platform list.

・Concerning loading from SSD or HDD

These means are not officially supported on this game, so treated the same as runs on emulators.

Thank you for the commenting. I have made some modifications to the game rules now.

Modificato da l'autore 2 months ago

Thank you for your reply.

I will talk about my suggestion.

At present, saving time of data on emulators (PCSX2) is very faster than real PS2. I think this is a big difference in balinabo challenge categories. Will this be a good way that prohibition of usage of emulators and modified consoles including PS3 at least in RTA categories (story and story to post ending categories) ?


Now I confirmed that there is 4~5sec of time difference per one saving between PCSX2 and PS2.

But isn’t it enough to distinguish runs by their platforms?

I thought this might be unfair among other players. If you think it doesn't need to prohibition, I will withdraw my suggestion. It will be great if other moderators give me opinions.