Ice River Run
Ice River Run
Aggiornato 8 years ago di RSR

Example Video:

Rev roll up to the top of the hill. On the final roll I like to ride alone the right wall so I can land directly on the platform. On the first ice roll you want to be standing on the back end of the platform, or when you try to jump you'll just cancel your roll (this has to do with rev mechanics, which I'll probably make a separate guide on later) On this roll you want to aim just left of the pond and then quickly curve right. Climb the mountain. No crazy movement for a bit until this climbing part. Climb up the first 2 steps normally, shouldn't be any issues. However on the 3rd jump, you'll usually grab the edge. To combat this you can bounce off a more sloped part of the mountain polygon. Kind of tricky but you just have to get used to it (fyi: this saves 1 second) Rest of the level is pretty easy. Just be good at rev rolling and follow the path I take in the video.

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