Controller Analog Double Bashing
Controller Analog Double Bashing
Aggiornato 3 years ago di nfnite

This is a method for doing double bashes on controller. It's fairly easy and consistent, although it uses 2 out of 4 directional binds available on your right analog stick. (You can still use the other 2 directions for your other binds)

You need to bind your keyboard button for bash to opposite sides of your right analog stick. The double bashing is then performed by holding the right stick in one of the directions and then moving it to the opposite one, passing through a deadzone which acts as the one empty frame between the two bashes.

For deadzone, the sweet spot I found is at 0.4, but feel free to play around with it. The higher your deadzone is, the faster you need to move your stick.

When attempting the double bash, there are two ways you can fail:

  • the bash gets released without getting the double bash -- this happens if you move the stick too slow.
  • the bash is still being held without getting the double bash -- this happens if you move the stick too quickly. You can still get the double bash out of this one by changing the direction again.

Below is a video showing the double bashing with an input viewer: