madInsane's run
7 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

I did not see the autosplitter time during the run at any point so I am confused as to how he is claiming to have gotten a 6:53. You can't just scale the realtime down by some factor to get gametime because load times are inconsistent between computers. I surmise that the true game time would be around a 6:55 with the mistakes in the run currently.

United Kingdom

Due to an update to the game, the auto splitter is no longer functional, The game time was timed manually by me watching back my run and attempting to be as accurate as possible, if you really want to you can time it yourself, since it is highly likely that my timing isn't 100% accurate I clearly still have a long way to go with losing around 2.5 seconds on the tower and many more elsewhere (doors not liking me). Also bear in mind that my route is different to yours so comparing what time you think you would've got with those mistakes may not be the same as my route.

Wisconsin, USA

Oh I didn't realize the game had an update. The only difference in the route I noticed was the immediate teleport to the bottom tablet vs doing it all in one go, which I think I used to do. I thought that was slower but maybe not if you can get such a good time with more than 2.5 seconds to save. Perhaps StarOfDoom can get that autosplitter working again.

Wisconsin, USA

I compared the runs and it looks like your load times are way faster than mine. My run was ahead of yours going into the first tablet and then it was behind after the load. I am pretty sure that the route that you have has an extra teleport (2 vs 3) so I can't see how it would be faster.

United Kingdom

Lets compare the 2 routes: The main difference is with the teleport. Both have the same number of teleports messenger - top left-lower middle, lower middle-top right madinsane - upper middle-lower middle, top left-top right So they should be the same besides the travel time of the cursor between the different tablet stands (which could be tested but due to the point im about to make is irrelevant) In the current version (don't know about the version you ran) there is a bug where straight after quitting and re-entering if you then teleport and instantly place the table in without moving first the game doesn't update your position so quitting and re-entering causes you to return at the position pre-teleport. The way to prevent this is to move after teleporting and then go straight back and activate the stand (hence why I move when placing the second to last tablet). This allows me to do the same number of teleports with a different route. For tablet 5 this is a problem since you need to move or you will be far away from tablet 6 stand. I could do the route that you do but im pretty sure they are almost identical in times, its mainly a 3 tablet habit but im pretty sure it doesn't lose time and as you will see when my new run is verified it is perfectly capable of getting a very good time.

Wisconsin, USA

I just ran into the new glitch that doesn't update your position and I see what you are talking about. With the latest version you are totally right, but you can't really compare the two because they are just completely different versions. We should really separate the times because it doesn't really make sense to compare them directly.

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