Balneor as supermoderator
Balneor as supermoderator
Pubblicato 1 year ago di

Xenivari has promoted me as a supermoderator after I prompted him to.

His life has been pretty busy with other things for a couple years now. It made it difficult for him to be available and responsive to sollicitations related to this game, such as leaderboards refinements I soon wish to supervise. As he was by himself, it thus compromised the effectiveness of the staff team of Heroes, and in that light, here I am.

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Balneor as supermoderator

Xenivari has promoted me as a supermoderator after I prompted him to.

His life has been pretty busy with other things for a couple years now. It made it difficult for him to be available and responsive to sollicitations related to this game, such as leaderboards refinements I soon wish to supervi

1 year ago
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