What game is the best to start speed running with?
7 years ago

I am new to speedrunning and I want to ask what games are the best to get me started. I enjoy classic Nintendo games and some 3D platformers. I have a few consoles ( WII, DS, 2DS, gameboy and PlayStation 3 and 4) but I am prepared to buy some older consoles. I am entirely new to this so I can use all the help I can get.

Thanks in advance, Haze


There's no definitive answer to this, and people are just going to tell you to run the games they run. Just try and establish what your favourite genres of games are, and which you enjoy playing the most. You'll know when you've hit on the right one.

Granolant, LasTYNS e 3 Altri ti piace questo
Kansas, USA

If theres a game you've played a lot over and over try that. It seems those are the games you never get sick of. Welcome btw.