100% New category
1 year ago

Hi everyone. What do you think about adding the 100% category, where the condition for finish run will be conquer all England, Saxons (allies) included? Below video of an example run.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
HowDoUPlay piace questo

Hmm I'd have loved to hear more about what people think about it, but while I'm usually really not against adding more categories, I'm not sure about this one.

Unless I'm missing something, wouldn't it be exactly the same route except you would just conquer your two allies just before capturing the final castle? Also there's not even a different ending or anything so I don't feel that would really be satisfying to run/grind. Actually, since it would be the same route, that would just double the same rng grinding for those who would want to be competitive in both leaderboards.

So I'm definitely leaving this up to discussion, especially in case I'm missing something, but right now I'm not sure about it. But if a few people are willing to grind it just for the heck of it, I'm down.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
HowDoUPlay piace questo
Washington, USA

I'm a bit late, but I feel like if you're going to do a true 100% run it might be more fun to include the rest of the game's features. For example, you could require winning a tournament, and rescuing a damsel and/or raiding a castle (since the last two play the same). Requiring the siege of all castles could be a good idea too, but I don't think it's enough on it's own to make a new category.

JeedUnit piace questo

It's been a while. Good to see some opinions. @HowDoUPlay it's could be good addition do play all mini games (joust and raiding/resquing a damsel).

@JeedUnit here if I'm correct there's only one ending for NES version (not counting fail).

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