Confirmed Glitches Using Importing
1 year ago
United States

Currently, at the time of writing this, this is not allowed like in BG:DA1, but figured I would leave this here in case it is allowed one day to add something to runs. This does NOT involve cheat codes, and this does NOT involve pre-existing characters. This is all based on the one character you create during the run.

Item Duping: Save the game of your new character, but do it twice, so in two slots. Drop your items on the ground you want to dupe, and then import the first save you made of the character, it pulls in the first save before you dropped your items, but into the world state of the 2nd save where your items are still on the ground, thus duplicating them.

Quest Reward Duping: Save your game once, and then go turn in the quest reward that you want duped. Then go make a new save in a different slot. Load the save prior to turning the quest in, but import the save you just made of the character that got the quest reward. Once again, you now imported a character who got the reward into a game state where the reward has not been accepted yet.

Video showing both methods:

How viable?

I don't think sitting around duping things a ton or spamming quest rewards will make things faster, but I do think it could make some more fun tactics for item generation, builds, and speed overall going through the game with some fun menuing and glitches like this to spice things up and eliminate some RNG, by doing this a couple of times throughout the run.

Minnesota, USA

After discussing with you and a couple BGDA1 runners, I am leaning toward allowing this. Have at it and let's see some runs!

Ottawa, ON, Canada

also a little confusing you said this was not allowed in BG DA1, when in the any% run item duping and many other uses of load manipulation (our term for the general use of save and import abuse) are used constantly throughout the run

Lévis, QC

It would be fun to watch for sure. But i'm not sure you'd save more than a couple minutes on the WR with duping. But having more levels could really help with run consistancy or speed via sprinting!

United States

I said it wasnt allowed (here) like it "is" in DA1, not that it wasnt :) sorry I apologize for not being more clear. And I am glad I decided to add this since it is going to be approved but even so just wanted to add it just in case for the future. And I agree I dont think its going to make anything drastic happen just might make it a little faster and a little more fun, no idea yet!

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