Red coat teleport during athetos battle
6 years ago
United States

OK I'm new to speed running and axiom verge is the first game I've tried it with. My pb is 50:44 after a few months of work. Tonight I got to the final boss at 46 minutes with a few less health nodes than I usually do and got killed 4 times and blew the run. My question is how do you guys teleport up over over like your just floating under the spot you gotta hit. You guys hit it 4-5 times and kill athetos real fast. I've tried mashing the buttons but it won't work. I play on the switch but when its Porte's to the TV. Idk if I could fight him like you guys could teleporting over and over it would make life easier

United States

You definitely have a much better time than me so I'm not sure if I have room to give advice. I found what works is getting hit as you fall down seems to kind of allow you to reset your teleport. I try to get one of the sentries do hang right under the damage point and physically land on it while spamming jump and attack at the same time and teleport up or any direction you need. It seems to work for me by physically hitting the bots and not getting shot. Hope that helps

United States

actually check out gvirus's video on the leaderboards. He has a controller display on his video and you can see how his button presses are.

United States

Kenzord thank you so much for the reply. That makes sense I will give it a try.

United States

Ha ha I just got a 48:46 but I went and got the inertial pulse before just to be safe. With this gun you can go in the corner and just spam him and the bullets go through the bots and then you just kill the bots with the kilver inbetween phases. I actually have a switch and ps4. I did this one on ps4. If I'm gonna get faster I can't get that gum anymore but it only take about a minute and a half to go get it and I kill the boss faster this way cuz I'm so horrible without it I can do it without the inertial pulse I'm just not as consistent

United States

Also what sucks is I thought the ps4 could record your runs but it only records 15 minutes at a time I need to get a capture card or whatever you were talking about

United States

I hate this boss. Tonight I got to final boss at a little under 45 minutes and decided to not get the Inertial pulse and was on track to pb and I get killed. Of course I beat him the 2nd time once the run is already blown. I still can't figure out how to keep teleporting into him over and over. And I don't get how the health drops are managed in the 3rd phase all I needed is one health drop and killed like 3-4 of the bots and nothing wtf

United States

yah i always forget which one drops health. im pretty sure its scripted so its always the same ones on the same waves but it seems that its every odd wave has a health drop in there somewhere. If you aren't planning on playing your game through OBS or the capture card program then you could get the elgatoHD60. I bought the elgatoHD60S recently and I can play through the capture software but there is a very slight delay. it can be kind of noticeable on certain parts that require very precise inputs. it is kind of pricey. You could just type that into amazon or google and see. I own both models and I think either is a good buy depending on what you want out of it.

United States

Ok just got my capture card. Haven’t opened it yet but now I can record runs. I’m down to 47:10 and I’ve had 2 different runs on pace with sub 45 and this door in the last level right before the 2nd save station has messed me up twice. The door is way above your head and you gotta jump then teleport through it but it seemed like luck wether I get through and if you don’t get through fast enough bots come and kill you. Well I figured out if jump and hold the button down you will teleport through on the first try every time. Finally figured it out

Kenzord piace questo
United States

Other thing is I don’t have a personal computer. Don’t you have to have one to stream fvideos from capture card or no?

United States

Yes you need a computer

United States

Well I can get access to one so that’s not too bad. Are you still practicing this game Kenzord

United States

I haven’t put together another pb but I’m pretty sure I figured out how to fight atherosclerosis and keep teleporting into him. On the controller I mover from the joy stick to the directional buttons. I jump and hold the jump button while spamming up direction and your gun. I killed him 3 times in a row really fast and had times I teleported into him like 4-5 times. Like you said it helps if you get hit by the enemies on the way down. Man this makes me happy lol

United States

Athetos lol

United States

Nice man! I still practice it from time to time but I haven't really shaved any time off. I always mess up the red coat split and lose a ton of time. I'm only floating around 1:30:00 time which is terrible lol

United States

That’s not bad at all my very first one I did it in 3 hours and then eventually was doing it in an hour and a half. I cut time down here and there and it was a huge breakthrough once I could get sub hour. Yes I still have trouble with the last half of the game. Getting the sudran key still messes me up. Had my fastest pace ever going the other day and got killed there. Then I tried another one and messed up the hornet quick kill so frustrating. Just keep working at it and soon you will get sub hour. How I did it was I saved in e kur mA to get the red coat and took the route through the back door of kit and got that extra health node. Then I would get the extra health and power node in edin. Not the one below the boss but the one through the glitched door at kur. It took a while to be able not to save in e kur ma like I said I still mess it up

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