Massachusetts, USAmitch3a4 years ago

Awesome. Thanks for the info. That was the one thing stopping me from picking it up more seriously. The cool thing is that it was chosen for big 20 so the leaderboard should see some love in the next month :)

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a5 years ago

One thing that just occurred to me that's worth trying is I think Everdrive lets you do Game Genie codes... and looks like theres one for infinite lives (SZOGXVVK) so that'll at least let me practice a level over and over and just die before going through the door. But savestates would be more ideal.

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a5 years ago

Is it possible to use savestates in Boomerang kid? I tried a combo of d-pad + start and select but doesn't work on my everdrive. I suppose I could try something without start/select? Anyone have success? Its a short game, but some decently difficult tricks in later stages so its a pain to keep getting to that point

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a5 years ago

I dunno how Punch out works, but in this game, match time reported is only granular to the second but the actual time of the fight doesn't adhere to that... so if you finished every match in 20.9 seconds and I finished every match in 20 seconds, we'd both have the same in game time, but marathon style, i'd be like 15 seconds faster. Goal of the speedrun is to beat the game the fastest.

It actually happens on this board. Mcfly's in game time is actually a second slower than AndrewG, but if you watch the runs side by side, you'll see Mcfly beat it a second faster end to end.

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a5 years ago

Has anyone figured out how the minigames rng works? For example, the game where you want to get 2 numbers that add to 7, or the memory game... if it was based on point value or anything, that would definitely simpify things. Didn't see anything in the TAS notes so I was going to look into it, but figured I'd see if anybody already did. :)

benang: Block Dude
Massachusetts, USAmitch3a5 years ago

FYI, finally finished that port. It feels pretty close to the calculator, but some obvious differences means it wouldn't be valid for this board (transitions are a little different, phyics aren't frame perfect sameness, etc). Anyway, enjoy! http://www.romhacking.net/homebrew/104/

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a5 years ago

I use the I-o DATA GV-USB2. Front loaders have the RF and composite outputs that work simultaneously, so I run the RF to my CRT and the composite to the capture device. It looks good, but I've been having some sound issues (although I'm fairly sure its on the OBS side). Before that I used a like 5$ converter for like transferring VHS to dvd... and it was REAL flakey, but mostly got the job done. If you use a top-loader, I'm not sure what your options are, although I know a lot of people consider getting it modded to have component out.

As for input delay, it sounds like you are planning on playing on your TV and capturing the output... so is any delay on the capture that important? The only input delay i'd be concerned about is between your controller and the screen your playing on. If you care about having your stream capture synced with a webcam or something like that, you can always add delays to inputs in programs like OBS. In my case, the I-o Data capture has a small delay and is about the same as my webcam. I've never noticed them being off really in any way.

benang: Block Dude
Massachusetts, USAmitch3a5 years ago

I'm working on porting this game to the NES and am making great progress. If anyone who runs this game or knows it well is interested in doing some beta testing in the next few weeks (hopefully), ping me and I'll keep you posted.

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

I just built the Nintendo spy and it seems to work fine. Two things that might help:

  1. There is a significant delay between pushing the button and when its highlighted on screen. I'm not sure if/how others have fixed this... I could add delays to everything else in OBS, I was just surprised that there's more delay through the arduino than my crappy $20 io-data gv-usb2.
  2. Pro tip for NES... if you don't have a multimeter, it helped me to try combinations of connecting wires 1 on 1 to each other. When you touch the voltage wire with the ground wire, your console will shut off. Helped me narrow down to the 3 data wires which actually go into the arduino board itself.
Legs menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

Was curious if folks knew about this. Wouldn't be surprised if it was well known and maybe I just never saw it cos its not gonna save any time, unless there are other manipulations you can do afterwards. Anyway, thought it was funny and worth posting:

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

Also, to do the 1-3 clip, basically you use the down boost to get speed and you want to aim for just below where the stairs meet the brick. As you hit the brick (maybe even a ways before) tap left to face the other direction. you should clip in and be pushed right through the wall

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

Its pretty easy if you just mess around with it, its just awkward at first. basically in mid jump, let go of the dpad and then you need to start holding select while you're still holding A from the jump, then let go of A before you land else you'll stop. Then if you want to jump while you're sliding, let go of select and quickly press A again to jump. If you want to jump right back into the slide... same as before you start holding select and then release A before you land without touching the dpad.


Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

i'd second moving it to the all stars page. Personally, i care about SMB2 and not Allstars so I also get a little annoyed to see I have an alert/notification only to see its not in the actual game I follow. Sounds like I'm not the only one.

Jumpyluff dan xenkaroshi menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

There was a joka tutorial for big 20 but I can't seem to find it anywhere. FeelsGoneMan.

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

Its super helpful. While most routes seem pretty optimized, this makes it easier to explore other options, but more importantly this makes it SUPER easy to figure out why you're getting a bad pattern (for instance ball pattern). Super simple and helpful.

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

This is amazing. Moving a link to resources.

Also, I'm assuming cheeros just take a random spot? Cos the first metroid in the "cheerio room" sometimes doesn't spawn, which i assume is because a cheerio is occupying its memory spot.

AceEbb dan WolfMerrik menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

I would assume this is fine as is most (if not all) emulators. glhf :)

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a6 years ago

To revisit this, I just got a new cart and have only gotten the good ridley pattern once out of probably like 20 attempts (some spread over 3 different nes's... 2 front loaders and 1 top loader). Tried hard resets, deaths with soft resets, etc. Still only 1 out of like 20+.

Massachusetts, USAmitch3a7 years ago

I think there's some 2-boss strategies with some e-tanks that makes it not too bad (and I don't consider myself good by any means). 0garrison is also doing Kraid iceless. I wouldn't be surprised if we see theTycoon learn it either cos McFly mentioned that he spoke a lot with tycoon when learning the strat. If I can get my hands on a guide, I'll def be giving it a go.

TNMYcFan182 menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAmitch3a7 years ago

For a beginner, I think the 2-boss guide is a good place to start. I also think the bridge skip is pretty self-explanatory if you watch a couple other runs. If you're talking Kraid first strats, however, I'd definitely love if someone posted a guide, especially for those wraps.

TNMYcFan182 menyukai ini
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