benang: Dark Souls
Czech Republiccatalystz5 months ago

DS Fix is absolutely not necessary to use at all. If you do wish to use it, the "unlockFPS" parameter in the DSfix.ini needs to be set to 0.

EviLGuitarKid85 menyukai ini
Czech Republiccatalystz9 months ago

Try running LS as admin. Also, you can join the SpeedSouls Discord and ask in the DS1-help channel. The creator of the plugin can also help there.

jakio menyukai ini
benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz10 months ago

Per regular speedrunning rules, you need to play offline, so you would simply not collect that gesture.

benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz10 months ago

I don't recall seeing that either. Be the change you want to see and route it out!

Czech Republiccatalystz10 months ago

Did he? Because I can't really understand what the argument was. Bringing other problems into the discussion (such as gadget) is only derailing the issue at hand.

As for the argument about a sub-category or a filter, they are exactly the same thing. What if there were some advantages or disadvantages to different console platforms? Then you will end up with a sub-category and a filter split, instead of maintaining a simple filters split.

Yes, PC definitely has advantages, but come on, bringing up manual splitting which most people did for years and years and years on PC or practicing without Gadgetlemage, which also didn't exist for many years, is uncalled for and doesn't bring up anything relevant to the discussion. Those are not mandatory and defining perks.

Also, I don't understand why you are bringing up Elden Ring again and again. Console never had an advantage in ER, even with the "console only skips" that you talk about (which was mostly Godskin Duo skip btw) it would have been a slower run. The reason to separate was 99% made of the incompatible timers. PC literally uses a custom timer which console players cannot utilize.

Beninho menyukai ini
benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz10 months ago

Simply switching savefiles will not get you banned. But if some of them have invalid items or the like, you could have a small risk. Always better to play offline when practicing (and it's obviously necessary for doing runs).

benang: Dark Souls
Czech Republiccatalystz10 months ago

Finding PTDE this way is not very difficult. You can use any trusted source and it will be fine.

Czech Republiccatalystz10 months ago

Sorry, maybe I misunderstand what you are trying to say. A leaderboard will not change the way you play the game. As of now, the console runs are very similar to the fastest PC runs. Not the same, of course, but very similar. No extreme changes in gameplay style are introduced. Having a separate category is not going to change this.

I can see where you are going with the community argument but I disagree. The leaderboards are not something that makes people gather and unite, it's the Discord as you mention. What you advocate for is rather separate channels of communication for console runners rather than a leaderboard split? Though being dismissive of console speedruns is definitely a potential problem. That being said, some of the tutorials on this page cater to console runs as well.

If you are discouraged from running a game by it not having a leaderboard for your specific console, I think that's more of a runner problem than anything else. A leaderboard doesn't create a community, a community creates a leaderboard. In general, people tend to fixate on leaderboards way too much. I can understand why in a sense, as it's the first point of contact, but a leaderboard doesn't determine what can/should or can't/shouldn't do.

The current filters already allow you to view console runs only and therefore "find peers" and other competitors as you mention. A separate sub-category or something similar just transforms this separation. Furthermore, I would not really bring Sekiro or Elden Ring into the conversation because they are different games with different rules. They are not connected to DS1/DSR. If you wanted to generalize, there are way too many instances of hardware differences creating advantages or disadvantages and not all receive such splits (Console type, Harddrive type, Firmware versions...). In the case of ER, several decisions were made when the game launched. Most people advocating for console splits and categories such as NWW haven't touched the game since the first month of release. The initial discussions are therefore sort of irrelevant to the current situation.

Finally, I would like to stress that these are my opinions, I am not speaking on behalf of the other moderators for the leaderboards, though I think at least some would share this view.

TheFiish, Attitan, dan Beninho menyukai ini
Czech Republiccatalystz10 months ago

You make good points. If there was enough demand for Switch boards, I could totally see that being it's own category, or a separate leaderboard to be honest.

Elden Ring's demand for console runs went down a lot since release for sure but it's easier to argue for its maintenance given the timers are incongruent.

Czech Republiccatalystz10 months ago

As of now, there is a only a very small minority of players who compete on consoles. The reason Elden Ring and Sekiro have this split is because the In-Game Timer used on PC is different than the default one on console, so they can't be fairly compared. DSR does not suffer from this issue as the IGT is consistent and equal on both platforms. Therefore, a split is most likely unnecessary, although some strategies may not be possible on console. The platform filter exists for a reason. It's essentially a way to split the categories without creating new subcategories to clutter the leaderboard.

Hope this makes sense.

_abyss dan Troyster20 menyukai ini
benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz11 months ago

You need to understand that categories are based on interest and activity, not the other way around. No need to create a category if it's going to be empty.

Shredmachine menyukai ini
benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz11 months ago

You can choose a route freely whenever you submit a run. Be the change you want to see and submit such a run. Then it will be on the leaderboards.

Shredmachine dan Debpunk menyukai ini
benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz1 year ago

After discussing it briefly with the other moderators, this trick is definitely not a problem in Glitchless. However, keep in mind that the rules state that bosses normally on your path cannot be skipped, so technically the +7 jump can only be performed if Godskin Noble is dead.

benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz1 year ago

Hey, I am doubtful but could you share a link for the skip you are talking about?

benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz1 year ago

Hey, yes, you seem to have performed a typical Force Quit Wrong Warp. Thanks for taking the time to write this up regardless!

Czech Republiccatalystz1 year ago

Hey, the best start would probably be to actually watch the two runs! But yes, there are differences, chiefly in that DS1 does not allow you to obtain some Covenant items without farming them (such as Souvenirs of Reprisal) but they do not have to be farmed in DSR due to several strategies being available - being able to Prompt Swap onto any item category at a merchant, while DS1 only allows adjacent categories to be Prompt Swapped to.

k1t3 menyukai ini
benang: Elden Ring
Czech Republiccatalystz1 year ago

If exit was greyed out, you were probably being invaded (by a player or an NPC), or going through other multiplayer interaction. As was pointed out, you accidentally wrong warped using the Force Quit (ALT+F4) and were put right outside of the Mimic fog which is the default location for Nokron.

Thanks for taking the time to write this up, however.

Czech Republiccatalystz1 year ago


there are at least two tutorials for Quantity Duping:

If you have any further questions I suggest joining the SpeedSouls Discord and asking in the appropriate help channel.

coffin1987 menyukai ini
Czech Republiccatalystz1 year ago

Hey, you simply choose PS5 as the platform when submitting.

coffin1987 menyukai ini
Czech Republiccatalystz1 year ago

Be the change you want to see and run it. Not everything needs a leaderboard.

GriddMeirax menyukai ini
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