MongoliaOrchlon1 year ago

I participate Discord: Orchlon

crisdoile2, insanebb dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
MongoliaOrchlon2 years ago

Damn trator sounding like a console player

MongoliaOrchlon2 years ago

So does this mean my 41:03 is record now?

Doubleedger, Tamster dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon2 years ago

is Big Bytes RE3 the fastest version of RE3?

MongoliaOrchlon2 years ago

I don't use varviewer and I don't use a foot pedal CUCKW

wuslamclan menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon3 years ago

Thanks for covering for my cheats guys FeelsGoodMan

Eesane, TheNevs, dan Croneus menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

I was just bringing up a couple of examples of games that have implemented categories that perform an intro skip because it's important to look at examples of what's being proposed. And I think you'll find that for both those games, the main reason why the intro skip was implemented was because the intro was very boring, despite having stuff in it that could save time and make a difference. Yeah I did throw shade and it was unnecessary.

MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

Not really a funny meme if you have to specifically point out that it's a meme isn't it? I had fun with it, definitely a better category that any%, you can keep insisting it's a joke, but if a category that's literally part of any% is a joke, then every level leaderboards would be a joke wouldn't it?

MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

You don't go fastest by mashing faster, the theoretical best speed is is already achieved with light tapping maybe every half second, it might be even faster than full on mashing. But the apartment is boring af and eliminating it as a no intro category like fallout 4 would be great, not like re7 because it was relegated to a misc category instead of a variable, and the mods actually thought they did a good job.

vinev menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

Not everybody is a large streamer with a team of mods ready to handle a problems, you can't expect people to wait until a cutscene to fix problems or to throw a run when something urgent happens, with this stupid rule in place all you'd need to do to kill someone's run is to start spamming hydra dicks during boss fights.

Edit: I started writing this before zgl posted the comment up top.

andrewlim, NuZ dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

Pausing is allowed for strategic reasons only

What kind of RE7 shit is this?

MR.C, tatonsp1984 dan 17 lainnya menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

Ok, I don't get this "the time bleed is different even if we cap thing", because this does exist in RE2r, it's not as blatant because consecutive cutscenes don't have time bleed, but I'm certain rolling in and out of cutscenes does have some time bleed associated with it, and there are a few that have time bleed between them, most notably the cutscene at the start of Leon B where he looks and puts on his RPD outfit. I suggest just capping at 120 and run off of IGT I don't see how the time bleed makes the IGT that erroneous, based on hours of footage of runners running with a 120fps cap, because that's how 90% of runners are already running it anyway, I really don't see any discrepancy. If the time bleed is such a problem, then we should be redoing the RE2r boards the same way.

andrewlim, glurmo, dan CursedToast menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

Yeah I mean the extraneous loads between cutscenes, but what do you mean agree to a number? Since it varies by system it would have to be dynamically removed, I assume the flags for the loads have been already found and the thing that would need to be changed is to subtract it from the IGT instead of RTA.

Also I think the game should definitely be capped because I just found out that the framerate determines how many laps he does in waste disposal nemmy, take a look

TrichaelMan, glurmo dan 13 lainnya menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

Why not just remove the extra loads from IGT instead of RTA? It would result in a timer that works nearly identically to how RE2's works, which was a timer that everyone was happy with.

MaterialBurst menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

Heads up mods, I saw a comment about your plans to split the consoles categories into enhanced and base consoles. However according to Digital Foundry's analysis, the X targets native 4k so despite being more powerful than the PS4 Pro will run worse, in fact it's barely better than the base consoles. If the split goes ahead then X runners will be left at a decent disadvantage.

Also regarding the "my PC can't hit 120fps" thing, this game runs better than RE2R, because some areas of the game have been scaled back because of console limitations still existing in the PC version. And the fact of the matter is I've seen the game hitting 120fps and running the game overall with framerates that are easily competitive on a GTX 960, that's a 5 year old GPU that was $200 at launch and isn't even worth $80 on the used market these days. 18 of the top 20 most common GPUs in the steam hardware survey can easily reach high framerates, out of all GPUs in the survey 2/3 of them can reach high enough framerates. If you have a 1060 and can't reach high framerates, then you're either CPU bottlenecked, or there's something wrong with your PC, maybe your streaming settings are too demanding. While streaming and speedrunning are very closely linked together, and the demands of streaming must be considered, if you have 9 scenes with 20 browser sources and you're trying to stream at x264 medium on a 4 core CPU, that's really on you. A decent quality stream with basic alerts with GPU encoding can be had for single digit CPU usages.

Hypothetically, barring regional limitations, a PC capable of streaming and running this game at a decent quality at high framerates can be had for around $500. For example, a 1600 AF for $100, 2x8GB 3600Mhz ram for $70, budget motherboard for $80, a new 1650 Super for $180 for the Turing encoder, if you look for used GPUs you can find more powerful options for cheaper, a cheap case for $30, a decent PSU for $50. This is only a little bit above what a new console would cost you.

Capping to 60fps would be catering to a vocal minority of runners, in fact I'd even say the trouble of implementing a load remover is an over engineered solution.

TrichaelMan, Sutsith dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

The latest version (RE3 on the main menu) has Denuvo removed, there's no functional difference between a bought version vs a "cracked" one. Most if not all of the graphics settings impact your GPU mostly and since you're CPU limited there's not much you can do on a laptop.

UncalmChaos menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

In conclusion, console runs, bit of a joke eh?

LeviTheRelentless dan TheNevs menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

If your purpose is to help with aiming by putting something in the center of the game then there's really no way to ban it, some monitors even have built in overlays that are undetectable unless you're pointing a camera to it.

grimpants menyukai ini
MongoliaOrchlon4 years ago

Digital Foundry did not test the PS4 Pro set to 1080p output to see if it improves framerate, it does on some games, might be the same for PS4 Pro.

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