North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX3 years ago

Good luck! Let us know if you have any questions. I'm also available on Discord, MegaMasterX#6321.

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

@Jonnybegood1213 This will never happen because Nintendo has ceased development of Animal Crossing New Leaf. There will never be a 1.6 update, so theorizing about this is getting absolutely nowhere. I strongly suggest creating your own dedicated thread for your ideas and theories.

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

Load times are essentially the same across the board - digital and game card as well as region. You should be just fine.

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

@golderzoa The world renders generally in a 6x6 grid around your character. If you've seen the Boundary Break episode on YouTube about ACNL () the game renders on a cylinder effectively (Around the 8 minute mark). A river or a house will not count towards filling the game world (The ocean obviously doesn't have items on it). Having all of the tiles filled with trees bearing fruit, and patterns on the ground (Which count as objects, you can't dig on them or place items on them - therefore they're counted as objects, same as if you had a fruit there from shaking the trees) contribute to filling the 6x6 grid that the game world renders.

When the game world's memory allocated is full, the game cannot properly update tiles. You can position your character on the beach to properly dig a hole and bury an item because the allocation is not full based on your position in the game world. Moving up above the tile where an item is buried renders back further, filling the allocated space back up. When the game world's allocation is full, the game can't properly update a tile, such as digging up an item (which changes the tile from a buried item, to an unburied item - a hole). Because the game removes the item from the buried tile =after= it's updated to the unburied (hole) state, the item remains buried.

The game handles digging an item up as follows:

Player digs > Item is added to inventory > Tile is replaced with an empty hole > Tile is updated to remove the buried item

The glitch works because the game is unable to properly update the tile due to the allocation being full. I THINK Versions beyond 1.0 change the order of operation to:

Player digs >Tile is replaced with an empty hole > Tile is updated to remove buried item > Item is added to inventory

This glitch was fixed beyond 1.0 JP, from my understanding it has to do with how the game handles and allocates the rendered space but I can't disassemble the game in realtime because I just lack the skill to do so.

I hope this makes sense.

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

I have a comprehensive guide with screenshots for the Japanese versions of the game in my Speedrunning notebook. This contains the JP 1.0 All Debts guide as well as a detailed First Debt guide.


Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

Asking this in the .hack//GU forum is best - Hachrt and Finzenku are quite responsive. You can always use PS4 Remote Play to stream to your PC instead of a Capture Card (I do this with my runs) and have LiveSplit there - it works best with ethernet connections from your PS4 and your PC and the input lag is barely there.

We also have extensive notes and tools to help runners of GU.

MASH, Jixaws, dan Drakodan menyukai ini
North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

I don't believe there is a restriction on emulators allowed for this game.

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

send help, I still need the route

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

Not likely to be honest. You're more likely to find Perfect fruit than fungus (even though a Famous [16k], Elegant [10k], or Rare [16k] mushroom is potentially more diverse possibility-wise), which doesn't spawn nearly as consistently as fruit. Very intriguing idea though. If you give this a shot and it works out, it could change things quite a bit.

Now that I'm typing my thoughts out, I feel like hunting around for specific mushrooms in Mushroom season would potentially waste more time than save via fruit trees you'd encounter in your normal pathways as it is.

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

golder pls, bless us with the notes for All Debts so we may run this glorious category.

North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX6 years ago

I think, as a whole, harassment is not okay in any form. Speedrun.com needs solid community guidelines to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. You can't even make the argument that you were joking in your run. I'm sorry your run got rejected, but you wouldn't hire a bank robber to be a teller, would you? You're capable of hitting WR with this game, run it again, and cool your jets on the toxicity.

s1a1n1d1i menyukai ini
North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX7 years ago

[quote]...I'm just going to bring up computer crashes, CPU encoding overloads...[/quote]

I'm absolutely convinced that the Kingdom Hearts community is just making shit up to complain for the sake of complaining. NO other community gives a shit about anything you are talking about. These are far left-field edge cases AT BEST.

benang: Mighty No. 9
North Carolina, USAMegaMasterX7 years ago

I've had luck with 5-4-7-3-8-6-1-2-Prison-Factory-Coliseum but I think it varies pretty wildly.

Tentang MegaMasterX
Hello there! I'm not often active on SRC, so feel free to hit me up on Discord!
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