benang: The Site
United KingdomMLSTRM10 months ago

Echoing this point from above:

"The game's cover, unless it's a very specific size, is now cropped and broken. E.g. none of the Arcade game cover fit."

While I get the visual consistency angle, it needs to be recognised that not every game has a "sensible" box art that fits into the provided proportions, but also without giving people the chance to say if the art should crop/resize/fit max dimension but retain aspect ration has caused a bit of a mess in some places.

Specifically for the Final Fantasy Series, where for multi-release applicability and ease of reference we've generally tried to keep to game logos over box art, now looks like a mess.

I do appreciate the counter arguments/points to this will probably be either "edit the logos to fit the required aspect ratio even though they get much smaller" or "you should be using box art so just pick one and deal with it" but neither of these are particularly great options, and I would appreciate it if some alternative solution could at least be considered/discussed slightly.

Grapevine, ActualLee dan 10 lainnya menyukai ini
United KingdomMLSTRM3 years ago

We have decided to add a new variable to the leaderboards for use of FPSFix in PC runs. Due to site limitations this applies to all runs (as in console also), as we can't split it down to only the PC variables. FPSFix enabled runs will be hidden by default from the leaderboards, but can be shown by manually changing the filters selected (there is a site bug where the filters may say they are on "any" when it's not actually doing that) As such, people can continue to run with the FPSFix mod, but the runs will be separated from other non-modded PC runs, and hidden by default.

For now we won't be indicating any kind of separation based on processor type, partly because its impossible to actually verify at the point of submission, and partly because we feel that the important separation here is if the game is adjusted from it's default state (as terribly inconsistent as that is). We have no way of knowing if future versions of the mod would potentially help in the other direction, or if in the future some other processor type comes in, or if there are other variances in performance with the mod that we don't know about yet. We would encourage people to include their processor type in the comments if you want to track it that way.

At the end of the day, leaderboards have to be trusted, and we feel that leaving modded runs for intel processors in with unmodded runs potentially erodes that trust, given that we went a year without realising the issue already.

We would encourage people to run without the mod if possible, as it will result in your run being more futureproof from further potential changes in this area.

Also to help with the moderation team's management of this, we would request that people go back and edit their run submissions accordingly to add the modded variable where required. We will be doing a pass to verify and add to any missing runs we know about, but it's a years worth of times for us to sift through which will take some time to correct fully.

If you did not run with the FPSFix mod, you don't need to take any further action at the current time.

EDIT: corrected post to state variable instead of subcategory, as the issue around that has been resolved

Remy_rm menyukai ini
United KingdomMLSTRM3 years ago

My (admittedly somewhat distant nowadays) opinion around this is that it mirrors the discussions which were had initially around introducing use of the fix.

Original thread here for reference: https://www.speedrun.com/ff13/thread/6tped

My perspective is if we're now in the position where there is proof that the fix can have a positive impact on times outside of just framerate stability then it should be banned. I appreciate people don't enjoy running the game on lower framerates or unstable setups but that to me is just part of PC speedrunning, as unfortunate as it is - and with the port being what it we have, there's not a whole lot that can be done in terms of other mitigations (i.e. accurate in game timer or similar).

We should have a way to indicate every run done with the fix, as that was part of the initial inclusion to the boards, so for the sake of not destroying history I would at least ask for a variable to be added to indicate if a run was done with the mod or not, and that would allow for a later stance around separation to be made, while indicating that it is not an ideal situation to continue on with.

benang: The Site
United KingdomMLSTRM3 years ago

Please can Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered ( https://www.speedrun.com/ffccre ) be added to the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series ( https://www.speedrun.com/final_fantasy_crystal_chronicles ) (So that it is present in both the main FF series and the cut down one, we've followed a same pattern for the tactics games also)

benang: ITTA
United KingdomMLSTRM4 years ago

Seems like someone else is looking to run this - cool!

Outside of Any% I would like suggest that we consider at least All Bosses (Self-explanatory), and possibly 100% if a sensible definition can be reached (presumably this should be all weapons, cats, quests, upgrades - but verifying they've been done isn't so simple, cats especially).

It already seems to me like Any% is going to be less than 40 minutes, and its not a long game in general so I can see people going for the extended categories (I want to do at least one shot at all bosses once I record an any% run)

Racoonix menyukai ini
United KingdomMLSTRM4 years ago

We will be allowing the FPSFix mod for PC runs, with the additional caveat that you must also show an FPS counter on stream to aid in the verification process. A guide will be provided in the near future to aid with setup if you wish to use the mod in your runs. The rules for using the mod are that the frame limiter/pacer may not be set above 60fps, and that no other modifications to the game binaries are allowed at the current time. (The rules on the game page will be adjusted soon)

At the same time, we would like to gauge opinion on enforcing the use of an FPS counter for all PC runs, not just ones performed with the mod. Again this is to aid in the verification process, as well as remove the need for us to necessarily track modded runs separately, and give more confidence in the legitimacy of the runs to anyone who cares to look for it. At current we would like to move forward with this after a small adjustment period to allow for people to find a counter that works for them. Again, a guide will be provided in the near future to aid with setup.

Please leave any comments or questions you may have a response to this forum post for ease of tracking the conversation. Alternatively please join the discord to discuss this - but we would prefer for people's final stances to be recorded somewhere for easier reference later.

benang: The Site
United KingdomMLSTRM4 years ago

Was submission date on runs always a mandatory field, and also has it changed recently in display behaviour for runs which do not have this populated, as some of the older legacy runs on the FF13 leaderboard recently went missing, and as far as we can tell the play date is the only thing that wasn't populated correctly on them. We have now gone through and placed sufficiently old legacy dates on the runs we've been able to track down but it would be nice if we could get some correction applied across the board, or the restriction changed.

Mrzwanzig dan BmanRulesYou21 menyukai ini
United KingdomMLSTRM4 years ago

So I realise chiming in on the discussion makes things a little less neutral potentially - but my stance would be to use another level of subcategories in the same way Kingdom Hearts currently does, and leave Normal as the default across the board. While it potentially makes a lot of combinations without runs, it heads off the initial problem of having to duplicate categories for easy mode, and is generally a bit more intuitive on the page to navigate.

benang: The Site
United KingdomMLSTRM4 years ago

I'm sure this has been posted before somewhere in the thread, but I don't really agree with the lack of customisation on Light mode. Especially now that the background option appears to exist again, it's basically making Light mode the same as disabling custom themes all together, which for those of us who want to use light mode over dark mode is somewhat disappointing.

Imaproshaman, AlbertHamik dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
United KingdomMLSTRM5 years ago

Yes, this is a known thing - specifically there are several differences between the JP 1.0 release, and the updated JP / international release. Other major differences involve being able to use the shroud menu while running, bart 2 having a slightly different AoE region on Laughter, and some more enemies are possible to pre-empt (at least ochu, I think neochu possibly also) In theory for PS3, JP 1.0 would be faster for all categories just from the shroud menu if nothing else, and the daze changes probably make an impact for Plat%, but due to the difficulty in getting hold of it, not many people (if any) run on it.

United KingdomMLSTRM5 years ago

New event is in planning! Join the discord for more information!

Indi menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
United KingdomMLSTRM5 years ago

Pastebin containing my feedback along with other stuff, as duplicating information is inefficient :)


RoboSparkle dan Fatzke menyukai ini
United KingdomMLSTRM5 years ago

You would be better off asking this in the specific ff1 game forum, or on a community discord

United KingdomMLSTRM6 years ago

OK, so I think it's time to call an end to this. Right now it seems like there's 3 separate groups of people, 2 of which that actively seem to dislike each other, and the third group who have mainly remained neutral and just want to move past this.

While I realise this might not please everyone, I think at this point what needs to happen is that the moderation team for the games on this site needs to change. What I would suggest is the following:

Dissidia: Old - Crrool, Indi, Lenophis || New - 0megaPhenix, Mizzow, Smartkin D12: No change, as it seems that people are OK with where it is currently. Dissia NT: Old - Indi, Shinoda || New - MASH, Ultronimus

My choices here have been entirely based on what I've seen in the last few weeks about who I think can handle themselves in an objective way. Most of the momentum to this thread appears to be from the actions of Indi, and as much as I don't want to be in the situation that I'm asking people to step down, I think this quote sums up my feelings fairly well:

"You've apologized, IndDragPack, concerning your past behavior, and I accept those apologies. Nevertheless, in the past, you have shown consistent propensity to going full tilt and behaving like anything but an adult when people challenge you, either your speedrun times or your authority as a community admin. Which is absolutely unacceptable, especially from a mod."

However, I would also ask that Deln and I are also added as temporary moderators, and no immediate changes are made until anything is discussed with the relevant section of the community, INCLUDING taking time to ensure people still on the old discord are included in any decisions. The last thing we need is to create a further division from hasty changes while people are still spread across 2 places.

One more point, and this applies to way more than just this community, and so is something people should take to heart. We've arrived in this situation from a sheer failure of communication, but also of responsibility. While I think it's ok to have a disconnect between various meeting places of the community (LB, Discord, twitter, whatever), you have to always be aware that if you are ever in a position of power, then your choices are a DIRECT reflection on the way you handle the community you're responsible for. Making a bad decision is ok, but you have to be aware of yourself enough to see when something doesn't come across the way you intended. You should also strive to keep any discussions open to the community. While I also appreciate the existence of mod channels for discord servers, this should NEVER be a place to discuss leaderboard handling, as that page is a direct window to the community itself, not just your vision of it. Be Honest, Be Open, Be Sensible, and Take responsiblity for your choices.

I have locked this thread as I feel nothing more needs to be said. If you are currently a mod on one of the leaderboards mentioned, then please can you institute the changes I have recommended (or at least any part of them that you can). If you have any issues, or want to start a message chain to manage these handovers then feel free to message me directly on any platform and I'll be happy to respond.

I hope to never have to be in this position again, and I hope that everyone can make peace with the decisions made here, and move on. Make attempts to resolve any differences or issues you may have, and start fresh.


Smartkin, Deln dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United KingdomMLSTRM6 years ago

Starting a description for a run with ? gives a 405 error on submission, presumably a bad character escape?

Bogdan_mk dan Oxknifer menyukai ini
United KingdomMLSTRM6 years ago

Not that I think this is needed, but just a precaution.

Don't turn this thread into a witch-hunt, or it will be locked. Don't start flinging around insults or posts that don't add anything to the discussion, or it will be deleted.

Please act like adults, and only post here if you are involved in this discussion, no need to turn this into a peanut gallery.

Indi, 0megaPhenix dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
United KingdomMLSTRM6 years ago

I'm generally opposed to having categories existing without runs, so for now I won't do anything. However once you've done it, feel free to post it here and we can set something up for it. None of these categories are ever going to be hugely popular so I'm ok with adding it at least to misc if not to main once there's a run.

NickDoane menyukai ini
benang: Bayonetta 2
United KingdomMLSTRM6 years ago

Hi All, Just to let you know of a few changes that have taken place for this game.

First of all, the timing rules have been altered to start on difficulty selection, and end on last enemy hit in the credits. The 3:45 timer offset allowance has been removed.

Secondly, Switch has been added as a platform (Or rather, this was done on the day the port was released), however for now Amiibo is banned. There is a possibility for adding it as a separate category in the future, however I think we're already pretty divided up for this game so we'll see if any interest comes of it before adding anything.

Third, Characters are now Sub-categories for each of the runs, and 1st Climax has been added, so we now cover every difficulty and character individually.

Last I'd like to welcome Worsel5 on as a new moderator, as the community for this game has really picked up recently so we feel we needed someone else in to give us a hand.

If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to message one of us privately, post on the forums, or join the discord for speedrunning this game (You can find a link in another thread on the forum)

Happy Angel Hunting!

Worsel5 menyukai ini
benang: Bayonetta 2
United KingdomMLSTRM6 years ago

This has been added (1st climax).

benang: Bayonetta 2
United KingdomMLSTRM6 years ago

Characters are now a sub-categorisation on the leaderboards

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