benang: Fatum Betula
Virginia, USAKhaotix10 months ago

I think that is a fantastic idea. My vote is yes

H1atus dan homescar menyukai ini
benang: Fatum Betula
Virginia, USAKhaotix1 year ago

Wicked find!! This will also save time on Ending 6 for plant growth.

UndeadDumbass dan Ecgtheow menyukai ini
benang: Fatum Betula
Virginia, USAKhaotix1 year ago

Question: would it be allowed to have the word "secret" copied on your PC before the run begins, that way when you go in and edit the files you can just use the paste shortcut? I think it would be a very small timesave. But since it requires doing something before the run I wondered if it would be allowed.

Ecgtheow menyukai ini
benang: Fatum Betula
Virginia, USAKhaotix1 year ago

Darn I was especially hoping we could do boat skip :(

benang: Fatum Betula
Virginia, USAKhaotix1 year ago

Interesting find! I think allowing SLA in ILs is probably a good idea.

Do you think if you were to cut the rope attached to the boat and then save and reload, would it skip the wait for the boat drifting to the edge of the lake? I can't test it until I get home from work.

A couple more spots this might work is giving the immortal guy the spotted fish, as we currently have to wait til he finishes eating it and dies to get his head. And then also giving the cat the poisonous fruit. Just a couple other ideas.

benang: Fatum Betula
Virginia, USAKhaotix1 year ago

I agree. We require watching the entire cutscene for PBs, but end the timer on the fade out.

Thanks Ecg! I know retiming them all is quite a bit of work. But I think we will all enjoy running the ILs more after we've made the change.

Ecgtheow menyukai ini
benang: Fatum Betula
Virginia, USAKhaotix1 year ago

Also, I strongly think we should switch to having the timing for the IL runs ending with the liquid being put in the birch tree's water.

I guess it makes sense for full game runs, but it seems awkward to include the ending cutscene's time for each individual level. It literally makes the final time twice as long as the actual speedrun is for ending 2.

This also makes it difficult to gauge an actual comparison between the length of each ending considering the cutscenes are all different lengths.

I'm interested to hear others thoughts on this.

Ecgtheow menyukai ini
benang: Fatum Betula
Virginia, USAKhaotix1 year ago

I am in full support for the addition of milliseconds for our run timing. I feel like it would be very strange not to include them with runs for this game being as short as they are.

Additionally, I agree that we should get rid of Any% as it is just redundant.

We should definitely keep both "All Endings" categories as they better represent the full game of Fatum Betula.

Also, I want to say I'm thrilled that we have an active moderator. Thank you Ecg for your work cleaning up and reorganizing! :)

Ecgtheow menyukai ini
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