benang: The Site
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Probably because most games don't have a mixture of speedrun and score attack?

Usually a game has one or the other or both on every level. I haven't seen a mixed one before.

How is the level handled in a full game run?

benang: Speedrunning
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

And how do you measure downtime? in many games, you can only input commands once per frame maximum. So is the time between frame perfect button presses considered downtime?

benang: Speedrunning
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

---For low loading times, I suggest highly optimized PC games ran on a powerful PC. But there are obviously console games from all generations that had little to no loading times. ---Cutscenes truely depend on the game. For instance, a game could have 30 minutes worth of cutscenes, but if they are skipable, it doesn't matter to a speedrunner. But compare that to a game with 5 minutes of unskipable cutscenes. Those 5 minutes will be considered downtime. ---To avoid "item obtained" poses. Try to avoid RPG's, collectathons, and metroidvania type games that have key items. Again, not a rule, but generally considered true. ---Menus and dialogue are dependent on the game just like cutscenes. However, games that use keyboard controls have access to more keys than console controllers. So it's possible that through having more bindable keys, there might be less menuing. But this is not a rule in any way. Truely depends on the game. ---Screen transitions are just loading screens with an animation.

Some of these things don't appear in a game at all. So it's hard to categorize downtime of entire genres or series.

Could you be more specific?

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

the only comment i have on the backseat gaming issue:

If the streamer asks for advice and you know how to help, go ahead and help in a respectful manner.

If the streamer doesn't ask, it's often construed as rude.

But for example, one of the streamers I like to watch will often designate a single person in chat who has a game guide open to help out when needed. But that's kinda rare.

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

I guess the big thing to avoid is politics and insulting people.... usually those will get you hate from the rest of chat..

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

if you are new... say "hi". You'll never get hate for just saying hi or hello.

What have you said before that made everyone hate you? Normally not even trolls get that kind of hate. Or are you exaggerating?

Mistakes in chat are never a big deal. Unless the mistake was clearly violating a rule the streamer has.

Darpey menyukai ini
benang: Talk
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

So this week, I finally cracked some of Azure Dream's Assembly code and found the item table with stats. I also figured out where the inventory values are stored so now I can cheat in order to do controlled testing on certain items. Huge breakthrough that will help immensely with routing this long RPG.

I also found out my personal strengths this week during a school assignment that made us take a personality test. It made so much sense and actually completely changed my outlook on what type of job I want after I graduate. So this is great!

benang: Talk
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago


Zachoholic, DarQ dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

This sounds like a great idea. Great way for busy active games to add more people to speed up the verifying process without having to grant access to everything related to the leaderboard.

Tigame dan Hako menyukai ini
benang: Talk
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Puzzle Games, and clicker games. They are both mentally engaging and mindless. You tune out the problems of the world and solve a optimization problem or just a puzzle.

I usually go for minesweeper, picross, or logic puzzles.

My favorite clicker is a webgame called Kitten's Game http://bloodrizer.ru/games/kittens/# It's not speedrunable, because there is no ending unless you count all achievements.. in which case community members say it'll take over a year of casual play to get all the achievements.

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

yes! adding an accurate-to-the-frame timer into the levels will make grinding ILs alot easier

DrWDSo dan NihilistComedyHour menyukai ini
benang: Talk
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

When I was in elementary school I used to listen to a song called "I do both Jay and Jane"... Didn't know what the lyrics meant at the time. but ended up shoving the two J names together and the number is because the 4th runescape account we made as kids was mine. XD

Gaming_64, jackzfiml dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

if you want to get the community involved. Release a free alpha or beta build to the public when you are ready and then speedrunners can see if they like it or not. That will probably be the best way to get feedback from this community.

607 menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

I heard of games having crashes present in their WR runs if they are poorly coded or something. So I think it's okay that it crashes. Just leave the timer running while you restart the game. If it crashes your computer/Livesplit when it crashes, maybe use the livesplit app on your phone instead? Hope that helps with any issues you might run into :3

Also, I'm unsure if it's legitimately possible to play this game?? A quick google tells me that it was entirely recalled because of copyright infringement, so unless you had an original copy, idk how you would run this game?? Also would you get in trouble for owning a copy if they were recalled?

Welcome to the forums and good luck on your runs anyways!

607 menyukai ini
benang: Talk
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

Sorry I missed a Saturday, I'll just do it late!!

So from Friday-Tuesday I was in New Orleans getting piss drunk with my mom in celebration of my 21st BD. So that was a huge positive thing.

But on the smaller side, my Embedded Systems Professor took interest in my reverse engineering of Azure Dream's GBC assembly code and gave me some tips to help me find the functions I'm looking for. I'm looking for things like the damage roll function and the item table to help route the game.

Apparently developing assemblers and disassemblers was a hobby for her at one point. So that was cool!! XD

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

0.80Mbps is not a very good upload speed. Most of the time you need at least 2 Mbps to stream well.

Dropping frames in your case was probably caused by poor upload speed.

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

What settings do you currently have? Post screenshots of your obs Settings. (Also Reminder not to publicly show your stream key in the process)

Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

It was a thread in the RE2 forum. XD


benang: Speedrunning
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

I remember seeing a good one at a GDQ. It was an surgery game on the Wii. It was really cool to see the CO-OP version of the speedrun!

benang: The Site
Georgia, USAJayJane46 years ago

In the case of something like that though, wouldn't you detect the skip while watching it when you review it, and bring it up with the runner? I see why it would be nearly impossible to know the correct timing if there wasn't a timer on the screen but it could happen to anyone.

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