benang: The Site
United StatesJCog10 months ago

@Camcorder A per-community ban list would be perfect!

Grapevine, YUMmy_Bacon5 dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United StatesJCog10 months ago

The issue isn't him streaming, or even his stream being shown on speedrun.com. The issue is his stream being promoted on the page of a game he's been banned from.

Grapevine dan CyanWes menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United StatesJCog10 months ago

The new update is looking good! One thing I noticed though, and honestly I don't remember if the page was there before or not, is that a user we've banned from our leaderboard shows up in the streams page. He's not banned site-wide, just from our community, so it makes sense, but would it be possible to get a blacklist feature for the streams page?

Grapevine, CyanWes dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Paper Mario
United StatesJCog3 years ago

Any console! (well, except PAL, but US and JP both work) This doc has links on how to region mod an N64, but really all it is is swapping the back of the cart or cutting off the tabs of the dust tray.


SneezyRaccoon dan meowkie menyukai ini
benang: Paper Mario
United StatesJCog3 years ago

There is one that we're beta testing right now (no ETA, but hopefully very soon!) - but unfortunately it'll be N64-only for a while. There are definitely plans to bring it to other consoles, but it might be a bit.

SneezyRaccoon dan meowkie menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United StatesJCog3 years ago

Hey, I'm a supermod for Paper Mario. Can https://www.speedrun.com/pm64 be set as the base game for https://www.speedrun.com/pm64memes? Our category extensions board isn't linked to the main board at all at the moment.

DarQ menyukai ini
benang: Paper Mario
United StatesJCog3 years ago

There are plenty of reasons for banning emulator. For one, it's much harder to moderate. First we'd have to be able to verify the emulator settings were correct. Even then, it's way easier to cheat with emulator with all the tools it has available, plus the mod tools that exist for this game, so we'd have to be able to verify none of that was being used. You mention using some kind of plugin to simulate lag, so that'd be another thing we'd have to ensure was on for the whole run.

But let's say we could do that. Let's even say that it runs exactly like it does on console with this new core (has been claimed before, has never panned out, but I digress). There's just not that much demand for the option, certainly not to warrant an entirely new tab. Every now and then someone says it should be added, but it's a ton of work for very little benefit. The barrier to entry isn't even high at all. I mentioned earlier how cheap/easy it is to get your hands on the game, and a phone recording of your screen is perfectly acceptable for video proof, so the gate argument doesn't really hold up.

So basically, unless you're able to prove that there's enough demand from people who have access to a computer powerful enough to emulate n64 and record it, but don't have an easy way to play on console and record with at least a phone, you're gonna have a hard time convincing us to put emulator on the leaderboard.

Wookis menyukai ini
benang: Paper Mario
United StatesJCog3 years ago

It's a neat idea, but honestly I don't think it'd be a very interesting category. Any% already gets the Ultra Hammer and Ultra Boots, and then the only additional things that would be added would be watching the Ultra Stone cutscene, running around to a few areas to hit the Super Blocks and grab missing partners, and the only new fights would be Electro Blooper, Lantern Ghost, and the Dark Koopas, so you'd only get one level or so more. Chapter 3 is the only chapter that'd see a substantial amount of extra gameplay/tricks, and that's just to get Bow and get far enough into Tubba's castle to hit the Super Block, then leave. Endgame RNG would be a bit better than Any%, but not by a whole lot.

benang: The Site
United StatesJCog3 years ago

Oh, thanks. But yes, that's what I'm referring to.

benang: The Site
United StatesJCog3 years ago

There was a submission from a Japanese runner with a minor issue. I want to resubmit it myself just for simplicity, but I can't do it accurately until midnight my time. Currently in Eastern Time it's August 18, but it's August 19th in Japan. I want to submit it as the 19th to keep the submission date the same, but the UI won't let me in its current form.

Oxknifer menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United StatesJCog4 years ago

@MakkerDon yeah, I'm aware haha. I mostly meant that part as a joke. Even still, that's why many websites detect the user's location and show the regional spelling.

benang: The Site
United StatesJCog4 years ago

Ok, I'm posting a lot more than I intended, but I'm gonna go against what seems like most of the people here and say please don't bring back custom backgrounds. Could they be done well? Sure, I guess. Would most of them? Not a chance. I get why people want them back, but you don't have to go any farther than myspace to know that there is such a thing as too many customization options.

benang: The Site
United StatesJCog4 years ago

Actually I do have one complaint. Too many u's in the word color everywhere lol.

Imaproshaman menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United StatesJCog4 years ago

Just throwing my two cents in, but the new site looks 1000x better, and much more modern. There are some smaller things that could be better that I think people have mostly already pointed out, but this is overwhelmingly better than before. Great job!

gooperman, Psychotic_Spoon dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Paper Mario
United StatesJCog5 years ago

It's a couple of things. I don't know the exact reasons stated when the decision was made, but for one thing, N64 in general emulates pretty poorly, and this game even more so, so there would be a lot of emulation inaccuracies compared to an official Nintendo release. Also, there's actually a really low barrier to entry to playing on console. Most people who'd be interested in running this game already have an N64, Wii, or Wii U. You can get the Japanese version of the game for Wii/Wii U for free, and a Japanese N64 cart usually goes for about $10, so cost really isn't an issue.

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6 years ago
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