benang: .hack//
Wisconsin, USAHachrt5 years ago

Due to recent bot activity, the dedicated speedrunning server's code is now invalid. The letter code of the link is now DfNUejs If you replace the letter code in the link with the new letter code it will work.

Wisconsin, USAHachrt5 years ago

Due to recent bot activity, the previous discord link is now invalid. The last part of the link is now DfNUejs If you replace the letter code in the link with the new letter code it will work.

Wisconsin, USAHachrt5 years ago

Due to recent bot activity, the previous discord link is now invalid. The last part of the link is now DfNUejs If you replace the letter code in that link, with the new one it will work.

benang: .hack//
Wisconsin, USAHachrt6 years ago

Hachrt's Speed Notes (Microsoft OneNote): https://1drv.ms/o/s!ArepQ_MqqpRjcK7pk_HEvG5LsBU I've been meaning to update these for forever, but I haven't gotten around to it.

benang: .hack//
Wisconsin, USAHachrt6 years ago

Dothack Network Discord https://discord.gg/YkRJjQF This is a just a community of people who enjoy .hack//

Hachrt's Personal Discord https://discord.gg/wEMdf6U Ask in #general for access to .hack// access and I'll add you as soon as I can

benang: .hack//
Wisconsin, USAHachrt6 years ago

So it seems as though I actually do have permissions for basically everything I need to do.

I'll work on updating the entire series so things are consistent among games - some of it will have to wait until after SGDQ

benang: .hack//
Wisconsin, USAHachrt6 years ago

I really need to figure out how to get notifications from this page's forums.

basically, you have to request a game page be made to have it made. (edit: I might actually have permissions, so I'm looking at it.)

I guess I'll ask maxy to do that, but so far the existing pages aren't active - I'm the only active english runner I know of, but I'm unable to stream/record runs in my current situation so there's no videos for some of the games. I don't particularly like some of them as speedruns, but I intend to at least have a strong route for each of them.

apparently the JP community is picking up steam with last recode announcements.

Wisconsin, USAHachrt6 years ago

There are a lot of things to go through, I plan on adding the program I'm using to view Xu Yuan's data to the Resources section (once it's more complete). I don't have the Weapons and Armor data yet, but I will soon I hope.

I haven't explicitly asked, but from our conversations this should be the NTSC-U (North American) values.

Please note that values for stats should be divided by 10. They are represented as whole numbers, but for the end user playing the game they are viewed as numbers with one decimal place. HP and SP are not stats, but Attack and Defense are. Also note: the HP for Databug enemies does not matter. Only the Protect Break Stats

But as a sample of what I'm able to look at from this GUI:

^tonet= Npc Type: Boss Designator: 0x73 Level: 13 Data Bug Boss Transformation: 0x71 Stone Tuttle

HP 20169 SP 1090

Attack 129 Defense 610 Accuracy 215 Evade 40 M.Attack 75 M.Defense 96 M.Accuracy 114 M.Evade 14 Gan Wave 67 Rue Wave 52 Vak Wave 52 Juk Wave 13 Rai Wave 52 Ani Wave 52 Soul Defense 1000 Body Defense 1000

Life Drain % Chance 0 Skill Drain % Chance 0 Critical Hit % Chance 0 Death % Chance 0 No Damage % Chance 0

Protect Break Counter 2000 Physical Attack Break Counter 410 Magical Attack Break Counter 660 Note: Damage done to these Values ignore Enemy Defense Values.

Data Drain Item 1 - Type 0x0F Key Items Data Drain Item 0x0D Data Drain Item 2 - Type 0x0F Key Items Data Drain Item 0x0D Data Drain Item 3 - Type 0x0F Key Items Data Drain Item 0x0D

Tolerances: 0x00 Nothing

Attack Speed 0x3C Attack 1 Damage Type 0x05 Earth Physical Attack 2 Damage Type 0x05 Earth Physical Skill 1 0xC2 GiGan Don Skill 2 0x00 Nothing (the skill)

Rainbow_Lemon menyukai ini
Wisconsin, USAHachrt7 years ago

I'm really infrequent in checking this site, so apologies for getting back to you only just now. I just want to clarify myself a little bit - because I think we're on the same page here.

Like I said, I fully understand the the requirement being a bad one. My strongest opinion on the matter is that I don't want to call it "Ryu Book %" if one of the requirements isn't met. Defining it by Unlocks is much more acceptable to me, it makes it much easier to point out "this one thing is dumb" without misleading people who read the category name.

Wisconsin, USAHachrt7 years ago

Personally I'm a stickler for game defined stuff and will always argue against player defined categories.

I'm on the fence of a "Ryu Book %" run that does not require every condition to be met. It's disingenuous. On the other hand, I fully understand that the 15 hour time requirement is really dumb and would be a detriment to defining it as a "speedrun".

For what it's worth, since Ryu Book Requirements unlock CGs and Movies and BGM you could also define it by that. "N-1 Unlockables%"

Wisconsin, USAHachrt7 years ago

Hello again, I am now posting to say that there is now a link to a OneNote Document in the Guides section.

The Any% route section for //INFECTION is complete, and I will be continuing work to reformat my other notes for the other games.

I will update the document with maps of the Field Zones and Dungeons the next opportunity I get.

Wisconsin, USAHachrt7 years ago

Hello Strixx.

Finzenku and I both go off my notes normally since hers are mostly out of date - I'll post both to the Resources section. Even my notes are somewhat outdated however, we've also been meaning to reformat them so I'll take some time to update them before I do so.

Sorry for being inactive.

Tentang Hachrt
9 years ago
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Game yang telah dijalankan
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